Page 39 of Spike

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“Come on, let’s get you into another room.”

She helps me with my things and gets me into a room that is empty tonight. Once she’s gone, I stand in the dark silence, wondering if this is even worth it. Should I just be done with this dream and go home to be the mother and partner I’m meant to be? Maybe this quest is causing more trouble than it’s worth.

I just don’t know anymore.


Paulie finds me the next morning on my way to class. After a fitful sleep, I got up early and went for a walk. It seemed to help calm my nerves.

“What?” I question, walking toward the main building.

“That someone spray painted your wall?”

I whip my head around and stare at him. “Who told you that?”

“Everyone is talking about it.”

Of course they are.

“It’s true.”

He gasps, pressing a hand to his mouth. “Do you know who it was?”

I shake my head. “No, but don’t worry, I’m going to get to the bottom of this.”

“You know I’ve got your back,” he nods, throwing an arm around my shoulder. “We’ll figure this out. If anyone says a single word to you today, you tell me, and I’ll have their god damned head.”

I smile. “I have no doubt. Don’t worry about me, though. I can handle a few gossiping students. I just need to go to my locker and swap books; I’ll catch you after class?”

He nods, and we go our separate ways.

I reach my small locker and undo it, having grabbed the wrong book last week. As I open it, a piece of paper flitters out and lands on the ground. Frowning, I lean down and pick it up. Maybe one of my notes fell out. I open it, not thinking too much about it, until I see the words scrawled across the page.

She didn’t deserve to die. You did.

What the hell?

A cold shiver runs up my spine as I stare at the words, over and over I read them, as if that will change what I’m seeing.

Who the hell is doing this?

Why would anyone want me to die? I don’t understand. Is this just an angry friend who thinks I did it. That makes sense. I need to speak to Alyssa’s friend, sooner rather than later. Whoever is doing this needs to back off. I don’t need it right now. Taking the note, I tuck it into my pocket, swap my books over, and then head to Pete’s class.

The same as last week, he looks at me now with a weary scrunch of his nose.

What an absolute dick.

At least he’s leaving me alone.

I find it hard to concentrate through his class, and when it’s time to head to Gerard’s class, my brain is a foggy mess. I’m trying to figure out who left that note and if it’s something I should be concerned about. Do I take it to the head of department? I don’t even know what to do. It’s most likely a prank, some stupid dumb college kids thinking they’re absolutely hilarious.

“Morning,” I say when I walk into Gerard’s class early, like always.

“How are you, Ciara?”

I pause, then shrug. “I’m okay, I guess.”

“I heard about your wall being spray painted. That’s terrible. Do you know who did it?”

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