Page 33 of Spike

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“He shot up a heap of drug dealers,” I whisper, turning my face away from Mercy. “He could be dead.”

“Hey now.” Serenity steps up beside me, her eyes gentle. “He’s not dead.”

“You don’t know that.”

Janine stands, walking over and taking Mercy from my arms. “I’ll give her a bottle; you need to eat something.”

I don’t want to eat.

I want to make sure Spike is okay because right now, I can barely breathe.

If something happens to him ...

“Hey,” Addison says, putting a hand on my shoulder. “I know what you’re thinking. Don’t. He’s going to be okay. He’s butt hurt, and he needs time to cool off.”

I force a smile. “I know, but ... he’s never acted like this before. I’m worried something more is going on.”

“Spike likes control. He always has, and he always will. The two men are clashing because they have differing opinions but neither of them are wrong. They’ll come together, work something out, I know it.”

I know she’s right.

But my stress is over the top right now, and I feel like I can’t breathe.

I just need a minute.

“Do you mind watching the kids? I want to go for a drive, clear my head.”

Addi nods. “Of course, take as long as you need.”

I leave the house, driving around aimlessly. I have no idea where he has gone, but part of me feels like it wouldn’t be too far. I think back on before we had kids and where he’d go then. A place pops to my mind, and I shake it out. Surely, he wouldn’t. I mean ... he wouldn’t, right?

Heart jumping into my throat, I turn the car around.

I know exactly where I’m going, I just pray he isn’t there.

It’s the only place I can think he might be—a place that is close with people he knows well. He has friends there, people who would give him a place to stay.

I go to the back entrance as soon as I arrive, taking a deep breath to try and calm myself. I’m probably overreacting. He wouldn’t come here. He wouldn’t risk our relationship like that. Right?


Annen, a man that I have met a few times when I’ve been here stands at the back entrance, because, technically, the club doesn’t open for another few hours. Still, he is always here, keeping an eye on who comes in and out. There is always the option for a private show, so I suppose it never really closes.

“Hey, Annen, I’m looking for Spike.”

He brings a cigarette to his mouth and inhales. “Spike made it clear he don’t want to be found.”

He’s here.

I know it.

My heart skips a beat.

Annen won’t let me in without good reason, so I have to use one. “There has been an emergency, I need to see him, Annen. I won’t leave until I do. You know I won’t.”

Shaking his head, he drops the cigarette and crushes it out.

“Don’t need the drama today, kid. Go.”

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