Page 24 of Spike

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“My sister died a while ago, and she was without a doubt the favorite. They were bitter and angry at me for a long time.”

“Did you have something to do with it?”

I shake my head.

“Then why are they bitter and angry at you?”

I bite my lip, then exhale. “Because I’m with the man who was with her when she died. They were ... married.”

His brows shoot up. “Well, that is complicated.”

I snort. “That’s an understatement. Anyway, the past is the past. I just need to relax.”

“Well, if it helps, I promise it is a good lesson today.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

Chuckling, we leave the storage room and go back to the classroom. He’s right, it did help me. I feel a lot better and focus a lot more on class. By the time the day is over, I’m a lot less stressed out. Spike still hasn’t called, and even though it’s bugging me, I don’t let it show. Instead, I head over and have dinner with my parents, put the kids to bed, and head back to my dorm for my much-needed shower.

I have figured out if I leave it until late, I always have the place to myself.

Tonight, it’s later than usual, but I’m not missing the chance, so I gather my things and head into the shower area. The door creaks when I open it, and as I stand for a minute, I realize it’s silent and I’m alone. Exhaling with relief, I find a shower cubicle and begin getting undressed.

When I lean down to take my underwear off, I see something unusual.

It looks like ... blood.

Splattered against the wall and trickling in from the cubicle beside me.

Heart racing, I lean down and peer underneath.

What I see has a scream ripping from my throat.


With a blanket wrapped around me, I shake my head at the bald officer standing in front of me. His name is Harry and he’s stern but kind with me. Of course, I don’t think he has much choice, the area is swarming, and people are desperately trying to figure out what went on in here.

I’d like to know, too.

When I leaned down to peek under, I was faced with the open eyes of a girl with blood coming out of her head. I knew the second I laid eyes on her that she was dead, there is something about the blank expression on someone’s face when they pass. I knew it, and as I screamed, I was desperate to get the hell out of there, but I couldn’t do that. I had to call for help, and within minutes, the police were here.

“No,” I say, softly. “I came in for a shower and when I stepped in, I saw blood. I just looked under and ...”

“Why were you here so late?”

I shoot him a stern look. “Because it’s quiet at this time of the night, and I’m not fond of showering with other people.”

He writes something down. “You’ve only been here a few weeks?”

Is he trying to say I did this?

“I didn’t even know her name,” I protest. “I’ve never seen her before in my life.”

He ignores this and keeps writing.

“You heard nothing? Saw nobody leaving?”

“I told you what I saw,” I snap.

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