Page 11 of Spike

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Today, she’ll find out just how much I don’t like it.

IT DOESN’T TAKE ME long to track her down. Something about the bar full of fucking young people in the middle of the town. There is nowhere else that is swarming with college kids. I can practically smell the cheap wine and bad decisions. Pulling my bike up to the front, I get off and toss my jacket on it. I’m not going to wear my colors in and get kicked out before I get the chance to find her.

Moving through the crowd, I get more than one shocked look.

When I was younger, I’d have been all over a place like this.

Hell, I think I fucking came here once with Cheyenne.

A memory I no doubt blocked out.

Shoving through the crowd, I hear her laugh before I see her face. She’s sitting at a booth with the young guy who gave her a tour and a few other students. The table is lined with empty glasses, shots, and beer bottles. They’re hitting it hard. So much for fucking studying. A strange kind of rage washes through me, masked thankfully by my love for her because otherwise I’d burn this fucking place to the ground.

I don’t stop as I approach the table, nor do I stop when she notices me, her eyes widen and her lips part to say something. I reach in, haul her out, and then she’s over my shoulder as I stride toward the bathrooms, not pausing for a second even as her screams trail behind me and her tiny fists pummel into my back.

Moving past the bathroom, I go down the hall to the back exit and kick the door open with my foot. There are a few people lingering in the dark out here but with one swift bark at them, they leave. Ciara is calling my name over and over as she slams her hands over my back, but I don’t pay her an ounce of attention.

I only put her down when I know we’re alone.

“What the hell, Danny,” she cries when her feet hit the ground.

Placing a hand to her chest, I push her up against the cold brick wall and lean in close, my mouth only inches from hers. I can smell the beer and sweet shots on her breath and something about it makes me wild. I don’t like her being where I can’t protect her, where I can’t watch her, where I can’t be there if something happens.

It makes me fucking wild.

“When I call,” I grind out, “you answer.”

Her eyes flash. “If you’re about to tell me you left our children ...”

“They’re with Serenity,” I grate out.

“I’m not done,” she snaps, “you left our children to come here because I didn’t answer my phone?”

“That’s exactly what I’m doin’ here.”

“Have you lost your mind?”

Her pathetic attempt to shove me off only makes me wilder. Bringing my hand up, I curl it gently around her throat, causing her to gasp, but she’s not afraid of me. No. She fucking loves it when I do this.

“You’re mine,” I hiss, my breath tickling her face. “I call, you don’t answer, I assume you’re in trouble.”

“My phone was on silent in my bag,” she whispers, licking her lower lip.

“I call,” I growl. “You answer.”

“You’re acting crazy.”

“Yet if I put my fingers in your panties right now, they’d be coated with your sweet arousal.”

Her cheeks flush.

She’s drunk, and fuck she’s pretty when she’s buzzed.

“I was just enjoying myself with friends.”

A low growl.

“I am perfectly safe.”

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