Page 49 of The Biker's Vow

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My head feels shit, but I’m damn happy. I’ve got my woman. Even if she’s puking, she’s wearing my ring, and her belly has my baby planted in it.

“Knock. Knock.” The door swings open and Andi’s wide-eyed stare meets mine. “Sorry. I wanted to check on Ember.” She covers her eyes. “I’ll give you guys a minute.”

“Next time, wait for someone to tell you to enter.” I shake my head as she shuts the door.

“Can you get your dick out of my face?” Ember wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

“Yeah. Sorry.” I put the can down. “I’ll see if my clothes are dry.”

“Good idea.”

I leave Ember to talk to her friend and thankfully my clothes are only a little damp. I can’t hear a damn thing they are saying, so I take a quick shower, get dressed, and look for a toothbrush. My mouth tastes like ass and probably smells like it, too.

Need to track down Holy and see if he can perform the ceremony here or if I gotta get Big Daddy’s chaplain, Soulless, to do it.

When I leave the bathroom, Andi is gone and Ember’s color is returning to her cheeks. “Better?”

“Andi has some stuff for nausea that is safe to take while pregnant and she gave me some prenatal vitamins to take until we find a doctor back home.”

“Even more reason to marry me.”

“Why? Are you secretly a doctor?”

“No, but I get good health insurance through the fire department.”

“Damn. You caught me. That's the only reason I’m agreeing to this.”

“And here I thought you simply wanted me for my body.”

“That too.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Mhmm.” I move in for a kiss, and she presses her fingers to my lips. “Hold that thought. I need to brush my teeth.”

“I’ve been a week without this mouth. I’m not waiting, babydoll.” I claim my woman’s pouty lips and get a taste of puke that changes my mind. I pull away and she laughs.

“Told you.”

“Yeah, okay. See to that breath of yours and I’ll go rustle us up some grub. Don’t go anywhere.”

“I wouldn't dream of it.”

“I’d track you down before you got too far.”

“No doubt. I’ll meet you downstairs in twenty. I need a shower.”

“Or I could stay here and wash you.”


“I’m going.”

“This,” she motions between us, “doesn’t look like you’re going anywhere.”

“My breakfast is here.”

“Stop it. I’m going to shower, and you are going to find me something to eat that won’t upset my stomach.”

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