Page 48 of The Biker's Vow

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“Are we really doing this?”

“Yeah, babydoll. We are.” He rubs the pad of his finger over the ring. “Didn’t properly ask you.”

“Since when have you ever been proper?”

“Fair point.”

“Now what?”

“We get some sleep. I’d like to fuck you, but I’m too drunk to get it up for you.”

“How romantic.”

“I’ll make it up to you.”

“How do you plan on doing that?”

“You’ll see.”

“That’s so reassuring.”

“Nothing about us has ever been easy. We’re going to fight. Probably a lot, but end of the day I know it’s you I want to lay down next to.”

Chapter Seventeen

Coming to, I crack my neck, feeling a warm body pressed snugly into mine. I don’t panic. I smile because I know I have my babydoll back in my arms where she belongs and where she’s going to stay.

Strumming my fingers through her hair, I don’t want to leave the comfort of this bed, even if she laid in it with Creed night’s prior. She shifts slightly and traces the tattoos on my arm.

“Missed this,” I tell her, meaning it. Only been apart a little over a week and it seemed like a lifetime too long.

“Me too.” Her lips press to my neck. “I’ll probably check on a flight after breakfast.”

“What for?”

“To get back home.”

“You’ll ride with me.”

“Did you forget the part of our conversation last night where I told you I’m having your baby?”

“Nope. Remember that part. The rest is a little fuzzy.” I grin as she scowls. “I’m teasing. Besides, we’re not going straight home.”


“Taking a detour. Vegas. Making this official before you can change your mind.”

“I’m not getting hitched in some quickie Vegas shindig.”

“Suit yourself. We’ll do it here.”


“Good a place as any.”

“Oh no,” Ember mumbles, capping a hand to her mouth.

I roll out from under her and dash for the small trash can from the bathroom, making it back just in time for her to vomit up yellow spit while I attempt to hold both her hair and the can while completely naked.

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