Page 44 of The Biker's Vow

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“Life is funny like that.”

“I don’t want us to mess this kid up. My parents did a number on me.”

“We’re not them.”

“Maybe not. We aren’t good together. Think we’ve proved that.”

“We were fucking great.”

“Until we weren’t.”

“What do you want from me?”

“The truth?” her sad eyes meet mine. “I have no idea, but not this. Whatever we’re doing. I don’t want this.”

“You planning to have this baby?”

“Would you be okay if I said no?”

My heart drops to my feet at the idea of her ending the pregnancy. “Fuck no, but I’d have to come to terms if that’s what you really wanted. Would fucking kill me, but I’d hold your hand through it.”

“I wouldn’t. I couldn’t do that.”

“Good. I’d hate to kill you after. You’re far too pretty to murder.”

“That’s not funny.”

“I’m not joking. Babydoll, said I’d hold your hand. Didn’t say what I’d do after.”

“Don’t say shit like that.”

“Then don’t ask me stupid questions.”

“You’re ridiculous. I think we should table this conversation for when we go home.”

“You saying we’re going home together?”

“I’m saying we should talk about this when we’re back in Charleston, when I figure out how I’m getting back there since my ride kind of left.”

“You’ll ride with me.”

“That’s not a good idea.”

“I’m not asking. You’re carrying my kid. That means you’re on my bike. Whatever little fun you had with Creed is done.”

“This doesn’t mean we’re back together and that you can order me around like some sort of macho man. You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

“The fuck I don’t.” I reach into my pocket and find what I’ve been carrying around. I go to my knees and grab her hand, shoving the ring I bought for her onto her finger. “We’ll go to Vegas. Make it official.”

Ember stares down at her hand. “You’ve lost your mind.” She slides the ring off her finger and throws it at me. “The last thing I’m doing is marrying you. I don’t want your ring or whatever half-assed attempt this is at asking.”

I grab the ring off the floor. “Think you missed the part where I’m not asking.”

Ember laughs. Cackling even. “That’s rich.”

“Put the ring on.”

“No way. You’re acting crazy.”

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