Page 43 of The Biker's Vow

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“Yeah. Run off and stick your dick in another whore. That will solve all your problems.” He grabs me by the back of the neck and gives me a hard squeeze, digging his fingers in deep. “I shouldn’t be telling you this shit, because my wife will kill me for breaking her trust. She gave Ember a pregnancy test earlier. Do with that what you will, but get your shit in order. Man, the fuck up.” He pushes me into the pool.

I sink to the bottom with his words floating through my mind. Ember could be pregnant and if she is, then that means it is mine. She only got with Creed last week.

Fuck. Fuck me. I push up and take Prodigy’s outstretched hand.

Viking’s lucky I’ve got bigger things on my mind than him being a dickhead.

“Did you know?” I seethe at my supposed best friend.

“Not until we got here, and she kept getting sick. Question is, what are you going to do?”

“Give us both a beat to wrap our heads around this shit. Then I’m getting my babydoll back.”

“May not be that simple.”

“It will be.”

“Don’t do anything stupid,” he calls after me as I stomp back toward the party and where I last saw Ember.

She’s not where I left her, and I don’t see Creed. They must have gone back to their room. I lied to Prodigy. I’m not giving her another damn minute before confronting her. Dripping wet, I march into Big Daddy’s house, not giving a damn that his security is calling after me.

No one is standing between me and my having this conversation with Ember.

I raise my fist to knock on the door when it swings open. Creed has his bag slung over his back.

“She’s all yours, man. Take good care of her or I promise you I’ll come back for her and if I do, I’ll make her mine, permanently.” He doesn’t stop to hear my reply. He takes off like a shot and I wonder if she told him she’s pregnant.

I find my babydoll sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the floor. I kick the door shut behind me and when it slams, she jumps.

Her sad eyes meet mine, full of remorse. Is she upset that Creed left or because it’s me standing here and not him? Maybe it’s both.

“Where’s your man rushing off to?”

“Not that it’s any of your concern, but he’s got a family situation.”

“Way, I hear it. He’s not the only one. Were you going to tell me, or were you going to wait until I noticed?”

“I’m not in the mood, Smoke.”

“I don’t give a goddamn. Is it mine?”

“Who else would it be?”

“So you don’t deny it?”

“You’ve got me. I’m pregnant with some random guy’s baby.”

“Maybe you fucked T-bird? Or maybe you were seeing Creed behind my back all this time.”

“Is that what you think?”

“No.” I drop my wet ass down to the floor and lean my back against the wall across from her.

“I don’t expect anything, you know. I mean, you don’t have to be involved.”

“Don’t have to be involved,” I mutter. “Jesus, Ember. Do you hear yourself? What’s the one thing I’ve wanted all this time?”

“Great timing, huh?”

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