Page 38 of The Biker's Vow

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“Not really. I felt a little queasy at the amusement park but that was probably jitters.”

“Could have been.” She sits on the edge of the bed. “Do you mind if I ask you some questions?”

“Knock yourself out.”

“When was your last period?” She goes right for it.

“I’m not pregnant.”

“Have you taken a test?” her nurse intuition is driving the conversation and as much as I don’t want to discuss this with anyone, maybe I need to get it off my chest.

The possibility of my having kids is zero to none. Zilch. Nada.

“I don’t need to.” My mind goes back to the tests that Sabrina and I took, but I never checked mine. I don’t remember even throwing it away. Sabrina probably did when she was cleaning up or packing for their move.

“I asked Creed, and he says you get sick to your stomach like clockwork every morning and again in the evening.”

“I’m not pregnant.”

“What makes you so certain?”

“Because.” I twist my fingers together. “Smoke and I were having sex all the time unprotected, and nothing happened.”

“I think we both know better that Mother Nature has a mind of her own. Would you humor me and take a test?”

“If it will ease your mind.”

“It’s not my mind that needs put at ease. Your brother is worried and so is Smoke.”

I glance up at the mention of his name. “Why would Smoke care?”

“Honey, if you’re pregnant, then he’s going to be the father.”

She’s got me there. “Yeah well, guess it’s a good thing I know that’s not possible then. Last thing I need is to have a baby with a cheating asshole.”

“Smoke cheated?” she practically screeches.

“The night or well, the morning, I guess you could say that we broke up. I literally caught him with his pants down with Angel. Creed was there and saw the whole thing.”

“What a dick. That explains why you’re back with Creed.”

“I’m not with Creed.”

She shoots me a look that says, ‘yeah, right.’

“He’s helping me get over Smoke.”

“By being under him.” She winces at her own words. “That was judgy and rude. I’m sorry.”

“I know you didn’t mean it bad.”

“Okay. You have a stick to pee on.” She digs into her bag and hands me a test. “Gwynee, Big Daddy’s woman, had this handy,” she explains.

“You’re not going to let this go until I do it, huh?”

“Nope. Now. Go. Chop. Chop.”

“Ugh. Fine.” As much as I don’t want to do this, I figure I better humor Andi and everyone else, it seems. At least Creed listened when I told him to go have fun.

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