Page 37 of The Biker's Vow

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“Yeah,” she whispers. “Enough about me. What happened to your girlfriend?”

“I don’t know.”

Pinching one of my nipples, she presses, “Come on. I shared.”

I dive straight into my fucked up choices that landed me here with her instead of with my babydoll. “She’s too damn young for me. Was my mistake. Should have never started back up with her.”

“You love her.” It’s more of a statement than a question.

“Unfortunately, and I fucked it up like I do everything else.”

“It’s never too late.”

“You should follow your own advice.”

“We both know girls like me don’t get the fairytale.”

“Not with shoes like that.” I kick at her weird rubber shoes with holes in them.

“Don’t dis the Crocs.”

“What the fuck is that hanging off the back of them?”

“My lady balls.” She grins.

“You’re a fucking nut.”

“Why do you think they call me Madz?”

Chapter Fourteen

I’ve been sick to my stomach ever since we arrived in Anarchy, and it has nothing to do with the fact that Smoke has been shacking up with one of the women here. He’s free to do as he pleases, the same as I am.

Creed has been taking care of me, but it has made me feel even worse. He should be out having the time of his life and partying it up like everyone else. He’s been missing all the fun. The burnout contests. Wet T-shirts. Female mud wrestling.

I didn’t get to meet Venom. One of the best tattoo artists in the game.

I forced Creed to leave a bit ago. Told him I was going to take a nap and that I’d come find him. There’s no reason for us to both suffer.

He was reluctant to leave me on my own, but I convinced him that I’ll be better after some rest. Exhaustion from all the traveling and such.

I’m quite miserable and Sabrina is ignoring my texts messages.

It’s not like I can pop over to her work or her new apartment and force her to talk to me. She put up a post on her social media. Had a positive pregnancy test pictured. I don’t know if it’s real or fake. Either way, I really miss my best friend and could use her to talk to.

Of course, some of the other Ol’ Ladies are around and would lend an ear, but it’s not the same as having Sabrina, and I’m not comfortable enough with them to share my personal troubles. Especially not with Stella around judging my every move and word. I get why she’s not my biggest fan. But it makes things awkward and uncomfortable when she completely ices me out. I was hoping that things would be cool between us by now.

T-bird and I never even talk anymore. Not since they became serious.

“Knock, knock.” Andi, Viking’s Ol’ Lady, lets herself into the room Big Daddy put Creed and me in since I’ve been sick, also allowing me a private bathroom. “Your brother thought it’d be a good idea if I checked in on you.”

“I’ll be okay. Probably food poisoning or whatever.”

“How long has it been going on?”

“I don’t know. A few days or so.”

“And nothing before?”

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