Page 27 of The Biker's Vow

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“Fine. Don’t expect me to lie for you. I won’t be a part of whatever this that you think you’re doing is. It won’t end well for anyone. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“I thought you were my friend, Em. That you’d have my back on this. Guess I was wrong. Guess I’ll see you around or not, since you aren’t welcome at the clubhouse.” She smirks at me, and my jaw hits the floor as my supposed best friend gathers the last of her bags and walks out the door and possibly my life.

Maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t tell her what I suspect is true about my own situation or about Creed. Sounds like she’d use both to hurt me.

I don’t even recognize her anymore.

My luck keeps getting better and better.

First I lost Smoke and now Sabrina.

Chapter Ten

“You’ve got to be fucking shitting me,” I growl at Hound.

He looks over his shoulder at the sight that has me seeing red and ready to kill first and ask questions later.

Ember’s strutting toward Roane’s RV with a travel bag as he and Jules load up with their kids.

“What the fuck is she doing here?”

Hound tries to hide his slight chuckle. “Heard Venom Ink will be in Anarchy. Maybe she’s a fan or Roane is taking her along.”

Roane doesn’t need my permission to bring an employee with him, but considering the state of shit, I’d think he’d asked me first.

My babydoll. Fuck me, I’ve got to stop calling her mine, even if it’s only in my inner thoughts. Ember pretends not to notice me as she continues past Roane’s RV and stops at Creed’s bike, where he’s currently shoving some shit into one of his saddlebags.

Hound must still be watching the scene that’s unfolding because he presses a hand to my chest. “Keep your cool. She may only be talking to him.”

“Doesn’t matter. It’s none of my business. Ember’s free to make her own choices.”

“You sure you’re good?” He stares me down, looking for a crack in my defenses.

“Fuckin’ peachy.”

“Hey boys. We ready to ride out?” Angel sashays toward us and Hound looks at me like must be out of my fuckin’ mind.

Ember glances in our direction and I can’t meet her gaze. Not after what I did. If that didn’t make her hate me, this for damn sure will.

Hound snorts. “Catch up with you later.” He shakes his head as he hustles over to where Prez, Viking, and Prodigy have a map spread out across the tailgate of a truck, going over our route one more time before we ride out.

“Let’s get this shit over with.” I grunt and take this cunt’s bag to stow away. Promised to drop her off with her sister in Arkansas. She’s got some family down that way. Normally, I wouldn’t think twice about it. Guess her grandma is real sick and we’re heading there anyway to link up with some of the Kings of Anarchy to join us for the ride to California.

I watch Creed run a finger under Ember’s chin before taking her smaller bag and stowing it with his. Fucking asshole. It’s my fault for handing her straight to him. Kills me to watch, but she needs to live life. Hate that I’m not the one to give her this experience. There’s no going back now. I made my choice, and she’s making hers.

The first leg of our trip we’re not riding much further than Drag Creek. Located in Eastern Kentucky and home to the Black Rebel Riders’ MC. Murder’s taking a couple cases of their moonshine as a wedding gift to Hero. The VP of the KOAMC in Southern California.

We line up to ride out and Angel wraps her arms around me. Her touch feeling fifty shades of wrong. Prez, Easton, Prodigy and Viking ride ahead of me along with Holy, Link, and Banks. Sandman brings up the rear behind Navarro, Static, and me. Fucking Creed is riding behind me.

Those staying behind close the gates once we are all through the gate.

Every time I glance behind me, I catch a glimpse of Ember, and I know the next week is going to be pure hell.

Drag Creek, Kentucky

After paying our respects to the grave of Jack ‘Grim’ Jones, one of the founding members of the Black Rebel Riders’ MC, we settle in at the campground owned by the club. They rent out ATVs and have trails and cabins. Place is operated by a biker by the name of Solo and his Ol’ Lady, Vada. The business took some time and heavy investment to get operational, but it was worth the wait. We swing by occasionally and rent some cabins. Do some riding and fishing. Camping. A little boating.

They have a nice setup.

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