Page 2 of Her Bully

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“Five hundred dollars says neither of you dick licks gets between those thighs by Halloween. Video proof or it doesn’t count,” Gauge says.

“You’re on.” I look at Remy and before he’s finished agreeing, I’m out of my chair and standing in front of my target. “Hi.”

Her pretty, grayish blue eyes cloud over. “Hey.”

“Wanna sit with me?”

“Sit with you?” she parrots.

“Why not?” I sling an arm over her shoulder. Her eyes darken, those pearly white teeth sink into her plump bottom lip. “Stick with me. I’m the king around here and if you play your cards right, lil’ doll. I’ll make you a queen.”

“Tempting offer.” She smirks, and I guide her toward our table.

Britney shoots daggers at me, but I ignore her. She’s yesterday’s news. I have a new plaything. A new dolly to toy with.

“Need somewhere to sit? You can start with my face,” Remy tells her.

Her cheeks bloom with color. “Gross.”

“Don’t mind Remy, he’s not been housebroken yet.” I flash her my dimpled smile.

“I won’t.”

“I’m Gauge and that ass clown is Remy. We’re the wolf pack.”

Remy howls.

“Wolf pack?” The corner of her mouth twitches. “Are you like a gang or something?”

“We run things around here. If you want to fit in, be invited to the parties…you’ll keep on our good side.”

“Is that supposed to be a threat?”

“Just a warning. We have a certain way of doing things around here.”

“I’m sure you do.”

“Hey, you decided to stay. Come on, I saved you a seat.” Lauren, one of the biggest nerds on the planet, interrupts, looping their arms together.

Remy reaches forward and pinches the new girl on the ass. Her body twists around. Thwack. Her hand whips across his cheek.

Oh shit.

The cafeteria grows quiet. Unshed tears threaten to fall as she scowls at the three of us.

“My office. Now,” Vice Principal Kipling booms.

“I’ll catch up with you later, Lauren.”

“You sure you don’t want me to come with you?”

Her head shifts with a slight shake indicating no.

“Miss Darlington, come on in,” Kipling calls. I glance her way, noticing her face turning red. Her gaze meets mine, and I shoot her a wink that earns me a smile that goes unnoticed by the others. Our first secret. There’s something familiar in her smile and behind the shadow in her eyes. I feel as though we’re old friends. She’s not saying shit. Not if she knows what’s good for her.

“Way to go, losers.” Gauge shakes his head as we wait outside Kipling’s door.

“Shut up,” Remy warns.

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