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“I don’t want you to settle for a life you don’t want. You’ve talked about the adventures you want to go on, the places you want to see, and I will not be the one to get in the way of that happening.”

My heart hurts in my chest. I thought her coming back meant she had changed her mind and that she wanted to be with me. “I don’t get it. You say that you love me, but you don’t want me to be happy? Because, angel, I won’t be happy if I’m not with you. I won’t be living if I’m not with you. I could go on all the adventures and see every place a man could dream of, and it wouldn’t mean a fucking thing without you by my side.” Tears have gathered in my eyes. Why can’t she see how much I need her?

“Oh, Ethan, I know. That’s why I want to go on them with you.”

“You what?”

“I want to go on every adventure and see every place a woman could dream of by your side. I’m not sure what that looks like exactly, or what that means for our future, but it does sound exciting. If I’m with you, I know it will all be okay.”

“What about your family and the company?”

“Did I tell you my brother is a veterinarian? Hunter, that is. When we were talking, he pointed out some very big flaws in my life plan and some very misguided thoughts I’ve harbored for too long. I don’t think my family will care what I do, or even where I am, as long as I’m happy.”

At this, she crawls into my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. “Do you think you could take on another crew member on this tiny boat?”

I lean my head against hers, our foreheads touching, “I think I have a position open for the love of my life.”

“Well, good, because that’s the one I want.”

Her lips come against mine and I pour all the love and relief I feel into the kiss. What a lucky bastard I am that I get to call this woman mine.

Chapter 15


The next morning, I wake up next to Ethan with a smile on my face. We spent the night making love and confessing our feelings over and over. Yesterday was full of highs and lows, but I feel settled in a way I don’t remember feeling before. I still have no idea what I want to do with my life, but it doesn’t matter in the slightest. I have forever to figure it out.

First, I need to call my family. I’m nervous. I asked Miles and Hunter not to tell the rest of the family what happened yesterday when I called to tell them I was staying with Ethan and that I was okay. I set up a family call for early this morning and it’s time.

I try to slip out of bed without waking Ethan, but he grabs me around the waist as I try to move. “Are you sneaking out?”

“No, I have to talk to my family in ten minutes,” I whisper, hoping he’ll go back to sleep.

“Do you want me with you? I know you're nervous and I promise to keep my mouth shut unless someone is mean.” He kisses my shoulder, distracting me from what we were just talking about.

“Stop distracting me. Yes, I think I would like you there, as long as you stay quiet and don’t try to make out with me or something while my parents are on the phone. If you're good, I might even introduce you to the whole crazy, nosey St. James clan.”

His eyes twinkle as he watches me get out of bed, exposing my body to him before I cover it up with a sundress and pull my hair back.

“I promise to be on my best behavior as long as you promise to take that off and get back in this bed when you're done.”

I lean across the bed and give him a quick kiss. “I promise. Now get up, I only have five minutes till they call.”

I don’t wait for him to get up since I know he’ll follow me. I walk to the entertainment room where we have set up a screen for the call. I usually do Facetime on my phone, but this time it will be the whole family and not just a one-on-one conversation.

The first to call in is Wilder, with Ivy sitting beside him holding their baby Jovie. Oh, how I miss her sweet little face. “Hey, Clara Bear,” my big brother says with a smile.

“Hey, big guy. Ivy, Jovie looks like she’s doubled in size since I left. I miss all of you so much.”

Ivy smiles. “We miss you, too.”

Ethan walks into the room and sits just out of the range of the camera. I look over at him and he shakes his head slightly. He wants me to do this myself. He knows I can stand on my own two feet, so he’s just here to watch me shine.

My brother Knox and his wife Scarlett join next, and we all exchange greetings. Then

Miles and Hunter join us from the hotel. My parents are the last to join and suddenly I’m staring at my whole family waiting to hear why I wanted to speak to them.

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