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“Our lives aren’t compatible. He’s a billionaire who wants to travel on this yacht that he calls a boat, having exciting adventures and living in different places all the time. I have been working for years to earn my place in the family – I mean at St. James C & D. My home is Star Mountain.”

“One, you don’t need to earn a place in our family. I’ll tell you a secret – you are the most important part. Have you noticed that we all come to you for advice or when we feel bad? Some of us might act like we don’t want your help, or like we think you're too young, but it’s just what big brothers do. All five of us think you are the most amazing person. When you were born, Wilder and Knox fought over who got to hold you so much that Mom used to ground them from you. It was a great punishment too.”

“I know I’m part of the family. I meant the business.” Although I’m not sure what I actually did mean.

“Do you want to be an accountant? Honestly?”

“Of course! Why would I have gone to school for something I don’t want to do?” My tone is belligerent because I know that he’s sort of right. I went to school to become a CPA because there was a need within the company. It was where I could help, and I’m good at math.

“Do you think that I’m less of a member of our family because I don’t work for St. James C & D?”

“That’s ridiculous. You’re a veterinarian, it’s not like you don’t have an amazing job. Don’t be dumb, you're not any less of a member of the family.” I suddenly understand his point. I’ve been trying to make myself fit into what I think they want me to be. But it isn’t my family that has the expectations. I’ve put those on myself.

“If you wanted to be something other than a CPA, what would it be?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never thought about being anything else.”

“Do you want to be a CPA enough to go back to Star Mountain with or without Ethan?”

I stand looking out at the water. That’s the big question, isn’t it? Is love enough to change the whole course of my life? I know my two oldest brothers would say absolutely, and it seems like maybe my single brothers would agree.

“I think I need to talk to Ethan.” I hug my brother and kiss his cheek, then I lean very close and whisper in his ear, “You’ve always been my favorite.”

His head falls back in laughter, “Clara, we know that you tell us all that, but I’ll take it. I love you, Clara Bear.”

“I love you, too.”

Chapter 14


I’m pacing the room while Miles watches me from the chaise his sister always sits in. “Can you stop looking at me?”

“Why are you so nervous? If you genuinely love my sister and she truly loves you then it should all work out.”

“Do you believe it’s that easy?” I ask, interested in his answer. I don’t think he’s pulling my leg. Can it be that easy?

“I don’t think it’s easy, but I think it’s worth figuring out if you love her.” He stands up and walks toward me. I’m tall and in good shape, but Miles has several inches and a good twenty pounds of muscle on me. “And let’s get this clear, you told my sister you love her, and I could see with my own damn eyes that she’s in love with you. You better be willing to do whatever you can to make her happy.”

I can hear the threat in his voice and see it in the tightening of his fists. He doesn’t need to worry though. I want to do whatever is necessary to make her happy. Before I can reassure him, I hear her.

“Ethan, can we talk?”

Her tears have dried, but I can still see where they’ve left a trail on her face. I hate that she’s hurting, and I want to fix it so badly.

“Certainly, angel.”

She looks at both of her brothers. Hunter looks at her and nods. “Miles and I are going to check into your hotel. We’ll be there if you need us.”

“Thank you,” she says while hugging them both as they leave. They make their way off the boat and we can hear Hunter telling Miles that Clara said he’s her favorite. They start arguing and the smile on Clara’s face is the first one I’ve seen in what feels like forever. At first, I was mad that her brothers had appeared, but now I think they may have been just who we needed to help us see the truth.

“Clara, I love you.” I want her to know that first. That’s the most important thing.

“I love you, too.” She sits on the couch and I slowly sit down beside her, not knowing if she wants me close or not. Clara grabs my hand and tension flows from my body. All hope isn’t lost if she wants to hold my hand while we talk.

“I don’t want to lose you. I want to do whatever I can to make you happy, Clara. If that means not traveling and living in Star Mountain, then that’s what I’ll do.”


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