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“You were even good at sports. You could have gotten so many scholarships.”

“Not everyone has to go to college.” Ken folded his arms across his chest.

“Um, people with these scores do.” I flicked his test booklet with two fingers. “Like, you owe it to humanity to do something with this. You could fucking cure cancer.” I laughed, remembering that you had to care about people to want to cure them. “Or…you could at least come up with some breakthrough economic plan that could reverse the national deficit!”

That got Ken’s attention. His eyebrow lifted, but he said nothing. The wall was built. Now, all Ken had to do was hide behind it.

I stared at him like a puzzle that was missing most of its pieces. I’d been testing him for weeks, and I still didn’t feel like I was anywhere close to figuring him out.

“Ken, why didn’t you go to college?” I practically whispered, speaking to him like a caged animal. “Why’d you quit the football team in high school? Why didn’t you date?”

You’re so smart and handsome and athletic. Why are you wasting all of it?

“That’s why we’re doing this, right?” Ken deadpanned, his eyes iced over. “So, you can tell me what’s wrong with me?”

“Hey.” I reached over and cupped the side of his beautiful face with one hand, his midnight stubble scratching my palm. “As far as I can tell, the only thing wrong with you is you.”

Ken dropped his eyes, sending his sable-brown lashes fanning out over his enviously high cheekbones.

I relished the fact that, for once, my touch seemed more comforting than uncomfortable to him.

Rolling my chair closer, I leaned forward and dusted his lips with mine. “You need to go to college,” I whispered more gently than before. “Just think about it. Okay? You might not hate it if you find a program you like.”

Ken didn’t respond, so I kissed him again. I kissed him until he kissed me back. I kissed him until he forgot about the invisible wall he’d built between us and pulled me onto his lap.

Then, I reached between us and unbuckled his belt.

“What are you doing?” Ken asked, alarm in his voice.

“I forgot to tell you.” I blinked up at him, trying my best to look coy as I unbuttoned his gray slacks. “This evaluation includes an oral exam.”

Ken immediately wrapped one arm around my back and pushed off the desk with his foot. I squealed as we rolled across the office, coming to a stop next to the door, which he reached over and locked with a smirk.

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