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“And, the week before, I tested a kid named Sevenn with two Ns.”

I paused as I brought my glass to my lips. “Wait. Isn’t that from a Seinfeld episode? Or Married with Children?”

“Both!” she cried, tossing the last few drops of her martini back. “Hey, have you been watching that new show, Jon & Kate Plus 8?”

“Dude, I’m obsessed.”

“So, I’ve decided that Kate needs to divorce Jon and marry that guy from the Bengals, so they can rename the show Kate Plus 8 Plus Ochocinco.”

I snickered, setting my empty glass on the table a little too hard. “Please tell me you’re never having kids.”

“Meh, you’ll probably have enough for both of us.”

“Not if Ken has anything to say about it.” I rolled my eyes.

Sara’s tipsy mouth twisted into an evil grin. I’d seen that grin. I loved that grin because it was usually followed by her giving me permission to do whatever bad thing I had already been thinking about doing.

Shaking her head at me like I was a silly little child, Sara said, “We don’t ask. We tell.”

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