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“I love you, Brooke. Will you marry me?”

I nodded vigorously, unable to take my hands away from my face, as Ken stood and opened the box.

Then, I cried.

There, smiling up at me, was my ring.

As Ken slipped it onto my shaking finger, I choked out parts of all of my questions, not really completing a single one.

“How did you…but it was gone…I went back the next day…somebody had bought it…”

Ken smirked, lifting his eyes from my hand to my confused, elated, dripping face. “They had a really good layaway plan. No interest for twelve months.”

A laugh loud enough to scare off the birds burst out of me as I tried to wrap my head around what he’d just said.

“It was you?”

Ken nodded.

“But”—my mind flew back in time to the day Ken and Allen had come to see me at the mall—“Ken, we hadn’t even kissed yet. I wasn’t even your girlfriend.”

Ken shrugged and dropped his eyes. “You liked it, and I liked you. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I figured I had twelve months to figure it out.”

“Interest free.” I giggled.

“Interest free.” Ken smiled, lifting his aqua eyes.

“Look at me, you two!” the woman holding my camera yelled, dotting her misty eyes with a tissue.

I wrapped my arms around my fiancé’s waist, and we turned and smiled for our first picture as the future Mr. and Mrs. Easton. And, as if that moment wasn’t magical enough, Ken did one last thing I’d completely given up on.

He kissed me in front of a castle.

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