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“Hey, what was that about?” Caleb says, coming uninvited into my office and dropping into the chair opposite my desk.

“Nothing,” I say, leaning forward and pretending to study something on my screen.

“Horse shit, brother. What’s going on?” Caleb says, leaning forward. He’s always been good at reading me. Whether it’s the fact we shared a womb for nine months, who knows?

“Nothing,” I say, looking up. “I just don’t want you harassing Leah. She’s been through a lot lately,” I add, knowing my excuse sounds weak even to myself.

“Are you jealous? Because you know, I’d never go there. I know you and Leah are together.” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Maybe flowers weren’t the best option. I’m sorry. The kids wouldn’t simply take a donation. They wanted me to take the flowers. I should have thought.” He’s genuine in his statement, and I feel like a heel for making a big deal out of the flowers. He’s correct. It’s a kind gesture and is very much in Caleb’s nature. At least with the women, he’s not in a romantic relationship with. My brother’s a player. However, he’s also one of the most thoughtful people I know when it comes to thinking of others. He’s a mixed-up contradiction. This is why, even with his playboy image, he has women falling over themselves to be with him.

“Sorry, it’s been a long week,” I say, dropping back against the chair. “What are you doing in this part of town?”

Caleb runs a hand down his face. “Can’t I pop in and see my brother?”

I raise an eyebrow, and he grins.

“I had a meeting. It finished early, and I wondered if you fancied grabbing lunch?”

I look up at the clocks adorning my wall. Where has the morning gone? My preoccupation with Leah making me completely oblivious to the fact that it’s already lunchtime.

“Sure,” I say, getting up. Lunch is easier than evening drinks and busy bars.

“Really?” Caleb grins at me and stands. “Wow, I can’t believe you’ve agreed to have lunch with me without me resorting to blackmail. Who are you? What have you done with my brother? Leah is clearly having an effect on you.”

“Ha Ha,” I say, glad the office door is closed. “Don’t push it. I can still sit down and order takeout.”

Caleb pulls a face. “You work too hard.”

“I would say you don’t work hard enough, but I know that’s a lie,” I say, grabbing my jacket and following him to the door.

“I know how to work and play,” he says, grinning at me.

“As long as you keep your playing out of my office,” I warn, my gaze shooting to Leah’s office door.

“You really like her,” Caleb says, catching my attention.

I ignore him. I refuse to discuss Leah and me with him.

“Ignoring me. That has to be a good sign.” He chuckles.

“Shhh,” I hiss. “I promised no one in the office would know until she’s ready.”

“So, when do I get to meet this new woman of yours?” He exclaims loudly, just as the lift door closes, before gripping my shoulder and squeezing.

I glare at him, making him smirk.

Caleb lets out a belly laugh. “You know you two aren’t going to be able to keep your relationship a secret for long. Mother’s party is coming up.”

I groan and shake my head.

“At least this year, you’ll have someone to keep all those social climbing piranhas at bay.”

My brother is finding this far too amusing.

“Why me? Why not you? I understand Harper is too young, Elijah is married, and Kat, well, she’s female and in a long-term relationship.”

“That probably wouldn’t deter some of them.” Caleb laughs. “However, I’m the bad boy. My reputation proceeds me. While you’re the moody, quiet, incredibly successful, dashingly good-looking, identical twin of said bad boy.” The elevator opens into reception, and we step out. “I take it you’ve seen Harper’s latest endeavours,” he mutters as we step out onto the busy street.

“Mother’s about to burst a blood vessel.”

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