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See you soon.

I look up at one of the many clocks on my wall.

How the hell did that happen?

It’s been over an hour since Gabriel left my office.

I grab my bag from under my desk and head to the ladies’ room.

I lean against the sink unit, my eyes locked on my reflection. Dark circles have appeared around my eyes, and my skin is becoming pinched. Butterflies dance in my stomach, and the temptation to call off this evening’s shenanigans is almost too strong to ignore.

I puff out a breath and bend down, unzipping my holdall and pulling out my makeup.

“In for a penny, in for a pound,” I say to my reflection as I repair the day’s wear and tear, adding a little more eyeshadow and blush than usual. Tonight is, after all, a girls’ night out, and I am single.

I unzip my clothes bag and pull out the little black dress Stella convinced me to wear. I purchased this for one of Vince’s work events until management had decided not to include partners anymore, or so I believed. More fool me. Anyway, tonight, it will get its first airing. I step out of my trouser suit and blouse before shimmying into my dress. Folding the other items into my bag. I stand back and observe the finished effect in the mirror, smoothing the material over my hips and stomach.

My hands go to my chignon, pulling out my clips. I let my hair cascade down my back before pushing my fingers into the roots and shaking it, bringing body and volume back.

I turn left, then right, checking my appearance. The dress hugs my figure in all the right places. But then again, it should. I spent enough on it. Hair, makeup, clothes.

The door crashes open, making me jump.

“Oh, sorry, Leah,” Amanda says, coming into the room. “Wow, you look amazing.” Her grin helps to calm the desire to flee the building in my chest. “Going anywhere nice?”

“Thank you. Just out with some friends,” I reply. “You’re welcome to join us.”

Amanda gives me one of her motherly smiles. “I’d love to.” She winks. “But I have a husband and two hangry teenagers at home waiting for me.”

I return her smile, knowing Amanda’s husband and children are her life outside the office. Something I envy. At fifty-five, she’s worked for Gabriel almost as long as I have, initially being employed by his father. When Frazer Investments took off, Amanda made the move and took over my role as PA, which allowed me to focus on the communications role I’d trained for.

“Another time,” I add.

She smiles. “Most definitely.”

I grab my things as she makes her way into one of the stalls. “Have a lovely evening, Leah.”

“Thank you. I’ll try,” I say, as the empty feeling in the pit of my stomach returns.

I make my way back to my office to dump my bag. No point taking it with me. We’re only going around the corner. I can collect it before I head home tonight or over the weekend. I’ll be around tomorrow when I start apartment-hunting.

I pick up my phone and find several messages from Stella and Nat.


Makeup, dress, HEELS!


She’s made me wear heels, so you definitely are!


Five minutes out.

I look at the message stamp and realise it was ten minutes ago. As if on cue, my phone rings. Stella’s name flashes up.

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