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“I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” I tell him honestly. “Pipe dream, remember?”

“What would you have told people?” he asks, pushing me.

“I’d have told them the truth. That I used a sperm donor. Gabriel, that’s not going to work if you step up and admit to becoming my child’s father. Can you imagine the rumour mill?” I cover my face with my hands and groan.

“What if we pretend we’re in a relationship?”

I drop my hand and stare at the man sitting in front of me. “Excuse me?”

“We pretend to be in a relationship. As far as the office goes, that’s up to you. If you want to keep it a secret until you’re pregnant, that’s fine. We can then announce we are having a baby together. You’d then go on maternity leave, and by the time you come back, everyone will be used to the idea. Problem solved. As far as my family are concerned. This is perfect. They’ll be so taken by the fact I have a girlfriend that they won’t be able to contain themselves. You’ll keep the social climbers and my matchmaking mother at bay and get a baby. It’s a win/win.”

How have we gone from work colleagues to co-parenting to being in a fake relationship?

Gabriel grabs my hand again, and clasps it in his. “We’re both single. We pretend to be a couple to the outside world. Keep the gossips at bay. You’ve worked for me for eight years, and we already have a professional relationship. When people realise you and your fiancé split up, it might not be such a leap as you think.”

His logic isn’t as far off as I thought. I’ve read enough romance books to know this is how it works. Only mine won’t have the Happily Ever After, although I will have a child to call my own. Is it really beyond the realm of possibility? Even Stella and Nat have suggested I hook up with him. It’s then I realise Gabriel is still talking.

“Caleb already knows you are renting the apartment downstairs. It won’t be hard for him to believe things between us developed. Which is not a lie. When the baby arrives, we can drift amicably apart and continue as we’ve agreed. As co-parents.”

My heart rate speeds up. His enthusiasm is contagious, but I need to take control. “But what about our living arrangements? Won’t they think it’s strange I’m living downstairs and not with you?”

“If you haven’t noticed, you’re already living with me. It plays perfectly into the narrative. You moved in, and we couldn’t keep our hands off one another.”

I feel my cheeks flush at his words, thinking about some of the wayward thoughts that have been invading my brain recently. Gabriel doesn’t seem to notice.

“In all honesty, my family rarely visits. If they do, I usually have notice. We let them see what they’re expecting to see. To be honest. It’s none of their business.”

“What about our clients? Colleagues? Men like Callahan have chosen us because of our professionalism.”

“Our professionalism will never be in doubt,” Gabriel reassures me. “Our private life is ours.”

I can’t argue when it comes to the business. It is Gabriel’s domain and I simply work for him.

“I can’t lie to my parents or friends,” I say

There is no way I can dupe my parents. I wouldn’t want to.

Gabriel squeezes my hand.

“You’re free to tell your parents and friends whatever you want. So, you’re aware, I don’t think I’ll have to lie,” Gabriel says cryptically. “When I drop into conversation with Caleb that you’re living with me. They will draw their own conclusions.”

I’m not sure whether I should be horrified or impressed. One thing is clear. He’s deadly serious about the whole thing.

“Caleb will never believe us.”

Gabriel retracts his hand and sits back, his expression hardens.

“Do you fancy my brother? Has something happened between you two I don’t know about?”

I must look confused.

“I know he visits you in the office, Leah.”

I laugh when I realise he’s serious.

“No, I don’t fancy Caleb. He only does that because he knows it winds you up,” I say. I thought Gabriel had worked this out. “Half the time, he comes in, shuts the door, and leans back against it. He stays for five minutes and then comes to see you.”

I watch a furrow appear between Gabriel’s brows. “Well, I’m just warning you. If we do this, he will forever be off limits.”

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