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“In for a penny,” I say.

My friends are correct. It’s time for my life to begin again.



As always, I hear him before I see him and prepare myself for the coming onslaught.

“Morning,” a cheerful voice says, breaking my concentration.

I look up and stare at the mirror image of myself standing in the doorway. At six foot two, we are both imposing figures. Caleb’s olive skin is slightly darker than mine as he spends more time outside. However, we have the same dark eyes and prominent cheekbones, a throwback from our Italian heritage. The main difference, however, is Caleb plays on our good looks, while I’d rather sink into the background.

“How’s my alter-ego this morning?” He grins, pushing off the doorframe and entering my office uninvited. He’s always so damn cheerful.

“Working. Something you seem to be averse to,” I say, knowing that statement is an out-and-out lie. Caleb runs his successful property development firm. That’s redeveloping half of the city. He may not be as wealthy as me, but he’s doing his best to catch up.

“Glad to see you got out of bed on the usual side this morning. I’ll probably die of shock if I ever walk in here to a warm, fuzzy welcome,” he says, ignoring me as he drops himself into the chair opposite.

I roll my eyes and grunt before leaning back in my chair. I cross my arms over my chest, staring at my brother. “So, what do I owe this early morning pleasure?”

Caleb’s smile never falters. “I wanted to let you know. I’ve booked us a night out. It’s in your diary. Amanda has just added it.”

I lean forward and pull up the recent addition to my calendar.

Night out with you can’t cancel it.

Place: Tristan’s Wine Bar.

“Why on earth would I want to go to a wine bar?” I stare across the desk. “Dinner, maybe, but?—”

“Before you go into a full-blown rant, hear me out.” Caleb holds up his hand. “Tristan’s opening a new wine bar around the corner, and he’s invited us to the opening night. As an old friend, he’s asked us to join him and celebrate. We will be supporting him. It’s just a few of us, having a drink, in a bar. A relaxing night out.”

“Tristan’s your friend,” I grumble. “I don’t need to attend.”

Caleb leans back. “Our friend,” Caleb repeats. “When was the last time you went out?”

I drop my gaze. I’m not playing this game with him. “You know I hate socialising,” I say, wiping a speck of something off my desk.

“I heard Rachel got engaged,” Caleb says, my eyes locking with his before I can stop them. I know I’m scowling, but that was low, even for Caleb.

I shrug, fighting against the growing pressure in my chest. “It doesn’t surprise me. She’s met someone who can give her what she wants,” I say, trying to ignore the painful tightness in my chest.

Caleb tilts his head as if trying to analyse me. I hate it when he does that, so I school my features.

“You need to get out and live a little. Get away from your computer and boring spreadsheets!” Caleb jiggles in his chair. “Let your hair down.”

I raise an eyebrow and stare across the desk at my brother. “Why is everyone in our family obsessed with my social life? Let my hair down... really?”

“It’s not that.” Caleb sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Rachel left you after five years. You were about to propose. Since she left, you never go out. You go from the office to your apartment and back again. All work and no play. You’re twenty-nine, not sixty-nine. You should be out, getting laid.”

“Accept I didn’t go out before she left. So, there’s no change there. It’s actually why she left.” I lower my hands and sit upright, leaning forward. “Red carpet, charity events... not my thing. Crowded pubs and wine bars are definitely not my thing.” I let a visible shudder wrack my body to get my point across. “You, Mother, and whoever else need to stop worrying about me. I’m happy. I’m not interested in having someone invade my life or my privacy. I have friends and date when I need to,” I add.

The women I date are happy with our arrangement. They get a night out and a very satisfying end to the evening. For both parties.

“I’m just saying, would it kill you to come out and have fun with me, your brother, for one night? Apparently, Tristan’s got some new wines coming in he wants us to try,” Caleb cajoles.

I grunt and roll my eyes. “You’re going with that, are you?” Tristan supplies all my wines. I must admit, the man has great taste.

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