Page 124 of The Donor Billionaire

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“But that’s the problem, or at least everyone else’s problem.” I draw in a breath. “I don’t want to find someone to settle down with. I like my space, my life. I’m no good at relationships.” Sighing, I take hold of my rising temper. “This works out perfectly for the both of us. Leah gets it. She understands me. One thing I know. My child won’t be raised where its parents are constantly arguing.”

Elijah lets out a low growl.

Harper holds up her hands. “You have to admit, mum, his love life has been a little sparse. It’s why you and your cronies are constantly trying to fix him up.”

“What? No,” Mum’s voice cuts in. “Is that what all this is about? Me trying to fix you up with a date? Is that why you’ve done this?”

My shoulders drop, and I sigh. “No... partly.”

My mother gasps.

“You wanting to set me up started me thinking. Then, when I found out that Leah wanted a child, it seemed like the perfect solution. The best of both worlds. I’m happy, Mum. We both are. It’s what we want,” I say, although I can’t seem to shift the hollow feeling in the centre of my chest.

I meet my mum’s gaze, her eyes glazed with unshed tears. “I know you are... I’ve seen you two together, that’s why...” She tails off, and I wonder what she was going to say.

I tilt my head, thinking back to the night after we came back from Monaco. How she and Leah had laughed over dinner. I hadn’t seen Mum so happy in a long time.

“You need to find her, Gabriel. If Leah means something to you, then you need to let her know what she’s just told us is okay, that we’re okay with it. That as the mother of your child, she will be part of our family, even if it is unconventional.” I stare at my mum open-mouthed. “And Elijah, you will apologise to Leah. I raised you better than this, both of you.”

“I’m with Mum on this one,” Kat says. “And Elijah, you need to find Lottie. Whatever issues you and Darra have are not that young girl’s issues or Leah’s. You need to get your own shit together before you sling any mud.”

We all stare open-mouthed at Kat, who usually keeps her own counsel.

Elijah humphs behind me as if denying Kat’s claims until she sends him a glare that would freeze water. I want to smile. My big sister truly is an ice queen when she wants to be.

Elijah grunts.

I need no further encouragement. I leave to check on Leah.



Ihear her before I see her. Gentle sobs coming from an old playhouse in the corner of the garden.

I wipe my eyes, making my way towards the sound. I knock on the door of the old structure. The crying stops as if the person inside is holding their breath.

“Lottie?” I ask, knowing I’ve uncovered where Elijah’s daughter has excused herself.

“I’m fine,” she says, her voice catching on the last part.

“Says everyone who isn’t fine,” I say. “Can I come in?”

“Sure.” she humphs, and I smile. She has been raised to respect her adults, even when she wants to tell them to get lost.

I open the door, and it groans fiercely on its hinges.

“It’s safe,” comes a voice from inside.

“I’ll take your word for it,” I say dryly as I crouch down and make my way inside.

“Dad built this for me when I was little. We lived here where I was first born, with Granny and Pops.”

“It’s amazing,” I say, taking a seat on an old, plastic child’s chair. “I always wanted a house like this.”

Lottie gives me a watery smile. “Dad did lots of things for me here. He always has done.”

Her eyes well up. “I’m sorry about the things my dad said to you.”

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