Page 123 of The Donor Billionaire

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“Don’t you think it’s strange she works for you and then suddenly winds up pregnant?”

I shake my head at him.

“Leah and I have worked together for eight years. Ever since I founded Frazer Investments, she’s been my trusted right-hand woman. She’s far from a stranger. She’s one of the most hardworking people I know, and she is dedicated to my firm. I should know.”

I direct my gaze towards my brother for confirmation, but he’s still lost in thought, his complexion green.

I run a hand through my hair and sigh, “Leah wanted a baby. I offered to be her sperm donor.”

There, I said it.

“Wow, Gabe, who says romance is dead,” Harper chirps from the end of the table. “That’s a new one, even for you, babe.”

“Shut up, Harper,” I say, shooting her a look that has her holding up her hands and smiling.

“Hey, don’t shout at me. I like Leah, just saying.”

She shoots her deadliest look at Elijah before picking up her wine glass.

“What do you get out of this?” Elijah asks, returning his attention to me.

I raise an eyebrow as I stare at him. “An heir,” I say, telling him the truth.

The initial truth.

I know, however, that’s not the most recent truth. Things between Leah and I have changed. She invades my thoughts, my dreams. I find myself wanting to spend more and more time in her company. Not something I’ve ever felt about another human being. But I haven’t processed these feelings yet. Not enough to discuss them with my family, or even Leah. All I know is something inside me didn’t like Leah’s declaration.

Caleb’s chair slides back. “I’ve seen you together. There is no way this is fake. This is bullshit.”

He slams out of the room before I can reply.

I drop my head to my chest and inhale deeply. This is why I hate family gatherings. Why I stay away from people.

“Gabriel, I don’t understand. I’ve seen you and Leah together like Caleb has. She lives with you. You seem so happy together. Was that an act?”

It’s my mother’s voice that breaks through my stupor, and I hate the hurt I can hear.

“No, Mum, it wasn’t an act. What you saw is Leah and me. That’s how we are together.” I realise I’m telling the truth. We’ve never put on an act for any of my family. “As for her moving in, that was an accident.” I sink back into my chair. “When Leah’s engagement ended, she needed somewhere to stay.”

“You let her stay with you? Above and beyond for an employee, don’t you think?” Elijah’s voice cuts in.

“Will you shut up?” I shoot at my brother before returning my attention to our mother. “She initially rented the apartment I own beneath mine. That place flooded, so she moved into my spare room.”

I run a hand down my face, knowing I should be with Leah—wanting to be with her—but knowing I need to stop any further speculation before she returns.

“And while she was living with you, she just mentioned she wanted a kid?”

I can hear the contempt in Elijah’s voice.

“No, actually,” I say, staring my brother down. “She was going to use a sperm bank. I was the one who talked her into a co-parenting arrangement.”

“Co-parenting?” My mother’s voice echoes around the silence that has descended.

“Yes, co-parenting. It’s where a couple have and raise their child together, but live separately.”

“But why?” My mother sounds concerned. “Why do this? Why not meet someone and settle down? This is so... cold... even for you, Gabriel.”

I round on my mother.

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