Page 60 of Devastation

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No sooner had she stepped on The Swallow’s Nest that she was surrounded. Crackle, Fish Diver, Beau, and Bert were already on board. Either side of The Swallow’s Nest were Segory and Luna and Chatter; Warrior and Giddy were at the bow. She patted Segory and scratched above his eye and then repeated her actions with Luna. She made sure Beau and Bert got head rubs, while Crackle waited patiently for her to place him on her shoulder. She gave Fish Diver a vigorous rub before making a huge fuss of the dolphins. To her surprise, Lyris was also present, swimming alongside Luna.

“Lyris, how wonderful to see you again,” Willow exclaimed.

“Lyris advisor to She,” Segory explained.

“You joined my court?” Willow asked, surprised.

“Yes, Sea Dragons will be represented in your court, Willow,” Lyris said with a regal head tilt.

“You are most welcome. How is Marcina?”

“Queen Marcina heals and dedicates herself to her studies. She has a regent but is making some decisions herself. Siera remains imprisoned but is fading fast,” Lyris informed her.

“I am glad to hear Marinca does well. I shall visit her soon, I hope,” Willow said.

“Our realm remains closed to visitors, but we can arrange a meeting,” Lyris agreed.

“So, today is to find somewhere to hide the Swallow’s Nest. Any ideas?” Willow asked, looking around.

“We know hiding,” Giddy called.

“You know some hiding places, Giddy? Like some caves?” Willow inquired.

“Yes, yes. Follow,” Giddy called.

“Let me get the engines started,” Willow cried out, but Giddy had already dived.

“Do not worry. We can track the dolphin,” Lyris said, amused.

“They are so excitable,” Willow excused them and then went on to start the engines.


An hour into the journey, Willow found herself surrounded by sea creatures and not just her court.

“Danger, Danger,” the call was repeated amongst them.

Knowing better than to ignore them, Willow glanced about and spotted four yachts heading her way at speed.

“Not again,” Willow hissed and hit the throttle. The Swallow’s Nest responded immediately.

Willow tried reaching out to Jase but found his mind filled with anger and Megalomania. He must still be feeding, Willow surmised, knowing she’d not break through while he was. A momentary self-doubt hit her. Could she survive this without Poseidon? Then she shoved the thought to one side.

“Are we nearing anything we can hide in?” Willow asked Lyris, who was keeping up.

“No. Land is many miles away. You will not make it. We will need to fight,” Lyris stated.

“No! They are after me. I won’t have any of you captured or harmed. Especially you Lyris, can you imagine what they’d do to you? I order you to dive deep to safety,” Willow said.

Her court turned and began to argue, and Willow drew on something inside her.

“I said, I order you to dive deeply to safety,” Willow repeated. Her court protested loudly but obeyed this time.

Willow turned her head and saw the boats were catching up quick. She could continue to try to avoid them or slip underwater herself and see what they did. Willow chose an option and slipped over the starboard side where they couldn’t see her. Once in the water, she was attacked by her court.

“Called He,” Giddy squealed.

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