Page 50 of Devastation

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“To rule at my side,” he responded, looking confused.

“Where you go home to that castle, and I stay here, in the seas?”

“Yes,” Poseidon answered.

Willow’s jaw jutted out. “That won’t work for me.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t wish to be the wife of a guy who picks me up and puts me down when he wants. If I have a relationship, Ja… Poseidon, then it needs to be real. And right now, you say there is a mate bond; I don’t feel it. Which means you can bugger off as you’ve really insulted me!” Willow spat, her anger rising.

Viciously yanking her hand free, she swam towards the palace and, once inside, kicked the door shut. How rude of him! She wasn’t somebody to be ashamed of and hidden away. If the Vampire’s mate could stay at the castle and have a real relationship, why couldn’t she? This past week, Willow had seen a different side of Poseidon and Jase. And today, with his tale, Jase had really touched her deeply.

Willow may not love him, but she was attracted to him, and if she was brutally honest, even his merman form was handsome, with his strong regal features.

Nobody dared to put Willow in the corner, and Poseidon had to learn that!


He stormed through the castle, his mood darker than ever. His brothers and sisters went out of their way to avoid him. Well, all except one.

Archere waited for him in his quarters.

“Not now!” Jase snapped as he strode across the floor and poured himself a strong shot.

“It has been two weeks since you returned, and you’re still in a foul mood. What happened?” Archere pushed.

Jase narrowed his eyes at the man sitting serenely in an armchair with his own glass of whiskey already filled.

“You keep drinking that, brother, and you’ll buy me a new bottle,” he hissed as he sat down.

“Gladly, now stop avoiding the issue,” Archere replied.

Jase grumbled under his breath before glowering at his friend. “The damned woman wants a relationship!”

“And?” Archere asked, bemused.

“I don’t want one,” Jase spat.

“And you told her that?” Archere mused.

“Yeah. I was honest,” Jase retorted.

“How did you reach old age while remaining a fool?”

“I beg your pardon?” Jase exclaimed, insulted.

“You’re a complete idiot. You told her our story, explained your hate, I guess?”

“Yes, and she was moved by it,” Jase replied.

“And then you took her to a palace you created for her?”

“How do you know?” Jase asked suspiciously.

Archere ignored him. “So after laying out everything, baring your soul, and showing her the beautiful home you built, what did you do next?”

“Told her I’d build her one in every sea and ocean, so she always had a home,” Jase snapped and swallowed a large mouthful of drink. It burned his throat, but he welcomed it.

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