Page 49 of Devastation

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Willow swallowed hard. Jase really was a beautiful guy, and she’d love to lick him all over. From his broad shoulders to his lightly haired chest, thank God he wasn’t hairy. And his six-pack looked more like an eight-pack. Jase was perfect. Even his thighs were heavily muscled, and his legs were nicely shaped. A prime specimen of a man.

“Do you live in my world?” Willow asked as the thought crossed her mind.

“Yes, I have businesses. Half of their profits go towards cleaning up pollution in the water,” he said.

Willow snorted. “There is only one business that does that, and… oh my God, Monroe Enterprises is you?”

Willow reeled as Jase nodded. Monroe was well known for calling out companies and people who polluted the seas and oceans. And then, if they didn’t clean up their mess, Monroe Enterprises went after them and bought them out. They completely restructured the company that had been failing and then moved on to the next. Willow knew Monroe had taken down several worldwide names in the endeavours.

Other companies moved quickly once they knew they were in Monroe’s sights. Not much was known about the person behind Monroe Enterprises, except he was a dedicated environmentalist. He rarely interacted with the public and was called aloof and arrogant. There were hardly any pictures of him. Willow wracked her brain to match the few she’d seen of a man in an expensive suit against the guy with her in cutoff jean shorts.

“That’s shut you up.” Jase laughed, hauling Willow to her feet.

“You’re Jase Monroe?” Willow asked again, still stunned. She would never admit it to Jase, but he was a hero to her.

“Yes. Now come with me,” he said, pulling her towards the water.

Before Willow realised what was happening, Jase had shifted into Poseidon, and they were swimming downwards.

“Where are we going?” she questioned as Poseidon clasped her hand.

“A surprise,” he replied and continued their descent.

Willow allowed him his way as she gazed at the beautiful landscape before them. Coral reefs were abundant, and sea life teamed around them. The water remained warm, which tickled Willow.

She wasn’t a fan of cold water, even though she’d swum in the Atlantic and Pacific. As she reached out with her senses, she could sense them heading towards her and their peevishness towards Poseidon.

“My court is coming,” she called to him.

“They’re going to be a long time; I’ll open a portal for them later,” he replied.

Willow’s mind caught on the word ‘portal’.

“That’s how you move about? You have magic that opens portals?” she gasped, drawing back from him.

Poseidon snorted and gently pulled her along again. “No, I don’t.”

“But you said—”

“Willow, understand there are some things I can’t tell you until we’re bonded.”

“But…!” Willow exclaimed.

She was frustrated when Poseidon shook his head and continued their journey. The seabed neared, and Willow’s eyes widened as she took in a structure. It rose from the bottom with grace and elegance. It was a single building but a small palace made of coral and glass.

“What is that?” Willow demanded. “It’s so beautiful.”

“It is our home. Or one of them, anyway. When you’re in the Indian Ocean, you can reside here while dealing with whatever issues the sea life brings you,” Poseidon said. “Your court is the flat space on that tower there, and the rest of the palace is your haven.”

“Mine?” Willow asked, choked up.

“Yeah. This was a test; if you don’t like the design, we can restructure the next one,” he answered.

“Next palace?” Willow repeated.

“Yes, Willow. As my mate, you’ll visit every sea and ocean, so you’ll need somewhere to reside,” Poseidon replied.

“I think we have got to discuss what you expect of me,” Willow said, suddenly alarmed.

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