Page 42 of Devastation

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Poseidon couldn’t say he was falling in love with the human. That certainly wasn’t happening. But he realised he sought her presence more often as he became acquainted with her. On the other hand, he found it a shame that Willow did everything possible to avoid him. Willow’s antics in doing so provided much amusement.

“Poseidon?” Willow’s voice interrupted his thoughts, and he glanced at her.


“That group is guilty,” she said, waving her finger at a hundred or so Atlanteans.

A few hundred Atlanteans were present this morning. Now the army and city defenders were done and over three-quarters banished, Willow had started on the general public. They were being brought to Willow, street by street.

“One hundred traitors?” Poseidon asked as he glanced at them.

Hate and fear radiated off them. As it should. They were about to be expelled from paradise and would live human lives. Worse, their merperson side would be locked, and they would be unable to shift. And they’d now only exist as long as a normal human.

They were banished forever from Atlantis and forbidden to ever mention her. None of them would be able to betray those left and bring humans here. Poseidon was making sure of that. Should they try to speak, write or show people anything about Atlantis, their throat would close, and they’d die.

It was a harsh punishment, but one needed to protect the city. Of course, in each group was one who didn’t believe and automatically issued threats. Their death got the message across to the others. Willow had been appalled at the first and had raced away, refusing to talk to him. Marcina helped Willow understand the necessity. What if one of the big countries, the USA or Great Britain, discovered them and attacked?

Atlantis’s technology could not be allowed to fall into human hands. Nor could their secrets on how they shifted. Marcina helped Willow see he wasn’t being evil but was protecting those who lived there. Humans arriving would endanger Sea Dragons and other sea creatures. No, this assured everybody understood the message he was sending.

Poseidon had discovered a cousin who’d survived Siera’s cruel enslavement, and he was now at Marcina’s side as an advisor. However, despite her young age, Marcina had taken the throne and was ruling.

“What’s with you today?” Willow demanded, interrupting his train of thought.

“Sorry, I am distracted,” Poseidon said, and Willow’s eyebrows nearly flew off her head.

“Did you just apologise?”

“I am capable of such things, Willow,” he retorted.

“Not that I’ve heard,” she replied.

“Then start listening to me,” Poseidon responded.

“You are a fine one to speak. You’re away with the fairies today. Honestly, you have a real serious lack of focus right now,” Willow pointed out.

Poseidon raised an eyebrow, and a smug smirk crossed his face.

“You need more attention?” he asked.

“No!” Willow cried.

“You’ve made it clear you feel neglected as my mate. I shall endeavour to fix that soon,” he drawled.

“I don’t need your anything,” Willow shrieked and blushed as she realised how that sounded. “Oh, rats! Just do your job!”

Poseidon turned to the prisoners and said his part. He’d recited it so often now he could say it in his sleep. Calmly, Poseidon informed them of their banishment, their inability to shift, and the death sentence should they attempt to betray Atlantis again.

After the usual idiot testing it and dying, Poseidon locked their forms, cast his spell, and sent them to the surface. Once there, they would be met by an agent who would give them some money and send them on their way. Even though he disagreed, Willow had insisted they be given a chance to create a better life.

“It gets harder…” Willow spoke to nobody in particular.

“Yes, because families are being divided,” Poseidon agreed, hitting the nail on the head. He knew how much that bothered her.

“There’s a lot of hate, envy, and arrogance in some. They truly believe they are better than everyone else,” Willow said, and Poseidon waited.

He sensed Willow needed to talk, and he wanted to be the one she spoke to.

“I’m tearing husband and wives, brothers and sisters, entire families apart. Children will be without parents,” Willow replied, and Poseidon heard the guilt.

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