Page 24 of Devastation

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“Hey! That’s insulting, I asked a credible question,” Willow exclaimed.

“Asking about a species’ mating habits is rude,” Poseidon retorted. “Someone should paddle your backside and teach you manners.”

“You and whose army?”

“You do know I am King of the Seas and Oceans? Or did you forget that? I have an entire ocean at my command,” Poseidon sneered.

“And I’m protected, and they won’t let you hurt me. Furthermore, you will not harm them either; it’s not in you to do so,” Willow replied smugly.

“Mates,” Segory breathed, and Luna snorted.

“Lock in Davy Locker,” Luna agreed.

“Need to mate,” Segory informed her, and Luna rolled her eyes.

“We’re not mates. I don’t know why Fish Face thinks we are,” Willow said, reaching out to rub Segory as he floated nearer.

“Sex. Good fuc—”

“Yes, thank you, Chatter!” Willow exclaimed as the cheeky dolphin grinned and clacked at her.

“You’re gaining some of my abilities. Legend says mates share things. You have no gifts to give, but I do. Talking to sea life is a unique ability only I have. I bet you have found since you were wounded, you’ve been able to speak to any sea creature you’ve come across,” Poseidon said.

Willow bit her tongue. She didn’t want to agree.

“And I’m sure you can swim deeper and hold your breath longer,” he continued.

Willow’s hand flew to her throat. Poseidon wasn’t wrong. At first, she’d not noticed anything. Still, when swimming with Chatter and holding onto his fin, she’d realised she could stay deeper and swim underwater longer.

Then, a few days ago, she’d panicked when a sharp pain hit her throat, and gills had appeared. She’d been so frightened she’d almost drowned herself. Segory had risen from beneath her and surfaced as she clawed at her throat in panic. After calming down, she’d taken to the seas and swum for ages with her friends.

Willow glanced up and saw Poseidon nodding.

“The mate bond has that effect.”

“And you want to take it away?” Willow asked with her eyes narrowed.

“Nothing in this world would make me desire a human mating. I’d rather die,” Poseidon said succinctly.

“Tough luck. You’re not taking my powers away,” Willow stated and folded her arms again. “I refuse to break the mate bond! Now bugger off!”

Poseidon blinked as Willow’s expression dared him to do his worst. A look entered his eyes, and Willow suddenly remembered she was arguing with a God. Uh oh.

Chapter Six.


Bugger off. Was she kidding him? The King of the Oceans and Seas did not simply bugger off! Poseidon’s gaze narrowed as he took in the defiant shape of the human rat before him. Willow’s chin jutted out, and her eyes stared at him with fire almost leaping from them. Her entire stance was defensive, and Poseidon reared out of the water.

“You have one chance; come with me and break this wretched bond,” he said heatedly.

“Not happening.”

Willow had no idea who she was messing with, but Poseidon had always been fair, unless at war.

“Human, come freely, or I shall take you,” he warned.

“Like to see you try,” Willow sneered and hit a nerve.

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