Page 16 of Devastation

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“Problem?” Maeve demanded, and Willow shook her head.

“You speak as someone more mature than your years. My name’s Willow.”

“That I am aware of, but it did not answer my question. How do you feel?” Maeve chided.

“Sore. I thought I got shot, but there’re no stitches. My stomach hurt really badly, and I was so tired. Jeez, did I mistake tiredness for blood loss?” Willow groaned, feeling stupid.

“No, you were, and it was a battle to save your life.”

Willow pulled her top forward and peered down at her belly. A frown crossed her face as she saw the closed wound.

“I’m sorry, Maeve, this looks several weeks old. Have I been in a coma?” Willow asked, slightly panicked.

“No. I and one other healed you. Don’t ask how or why. Mind your manners, say thank you, and be grateful you’re not wandering amongst the recently dead.”

Willow blinked. Damn, that was straight talking. But something was off. Maeve spoke a little like Poseidon. Her eyes widened, and she craned her neck, looking for a window.

“What are you doing?” Maeve demanded with a hint of exasperation.

“Searching for a window. Are we under the sea? Is this Poseidon’s home? Wow, how is he keeping the ocean back?” Willow babbled, and Maeve snorted.

“Does this look like an underwater castle or building?”

“I’ve never been in an underwater city before, so how would I know?” Willow retorted, even as she felt foolish.

“And what is this Poseidon?” Maeve asked, but Willow caught the glint in her eye. Willow’s answer mattered to Maeve, but she couldn’t fathom why.

“He is someone I’ve met on a ship or two. He helps sabotage them, but he is very rude and needs a kick up his ass,” Willow stated firmly.

Approval shone in Maeve’s eyes for a brief moment before Maeve shielded it. It confirmed that Maeve knew Poseidon.

“Ah, he’s a code name for somebody, a friend of yours. Well, he wasn’t very brave leaving you to get shot,” Maeve said, attempting to distract Willow.

Willow recognised the effort and wouldn’t allow Maeve’s attempt.

“No! It wasn’t like that. Poseidon was not on board when I got injured. And he is no ally of mine, rude as he is!” Willow exclaimed and winced as she tugged at something inside and struggled to sit bolt upright.

Maeve strode over and helped her back into a sloping sitting position.

“You are still healing. Please don’t undo all our hard work,” Maeve scolded.

“Where am I?” Willow whispered, pale-faced.

“Safe, that is all I can tell you for now,” Maeve answered and pressed on Willow’s shoulder to make her relax.

It wasn’t working. Willow began to get agitated and struggled against her hand.

“Am I a prisoner? Did Poseidon kidnap me or something?”

“I thought you said he wasn’t there?” Maeve asked.

Willow looked up at Maeve wide-eyed and shook her head. “I’m not telling you anything. Not until you tell me.”

“Child, you are safe; rest assured of that.” Maeve sighed.

“When someone refuses to tell you where you are, that is the complete opposite of safe,” Willow cried, edging towards the other side of the bed. Her gut screamed at her that something was seriously wrong.

“Stay still, or you will reinjure yourself,” Maeve warned, worry clear in her voice.

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