Page 15 of Devastation

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“She would. Willow’s a warrior from a long line of them,” Andie mused as she continued to study Willow.

“You’re aware of something,” Maeve stated.

Andie laughed, and there was bitterness present.

“I know a great many things but am restrained from commenting. I can only watch them play out. Willow will die unless she’s helped,” Andie said.

“I’ve done my best, as has Lily,” Maeve replied helplessly. She recognised Andie changing the subject and could respect the girl’s wishes for now. But she wanted answers.

“Then it is my turn,” Andie stated and stepped forward. In the blink of an eye, she shifted into Pandora and placed a delicate hand on Willow’s heart and one on her brow. Her hands began to glow a whitish blue, and Maeve’s eyes widened.

“Pandora, you can heal!” she exclaimed.

Pandora ignored her as she continued seeking what ailed Willow. She bolstered the slowing heartbeat, forcing it back into its correct rhythm and then found a small bleed that had been missed. It was draining Willow and causing her to bleed internally. Easily fixing it, Andie checked Willow head to toe, healing a few minor injuries before opening her eyes and removing her hands.

“I would rather this ability not be discussed. I’ve only ever healed our kind and true innocents. Willow is pure of heart; I sensed it when I touched her,” Pandora ordered as she shifted back to Andie.

“You shift so effortlessly,” Maeve mused.

“Not everything is as it appears, Maeve; I have said that many times,” Andie replied and began to leave.

“Thank you, Andie. Willow would have died without your help,” Maeve added, suddenly wanting Andie to stay and keep her company.

Andie turned her emerald-green eyes back on her, so different from Pandora’s clear blue ones. “Yeah, she would have, but not now.”

“Willow’s a Saviour, isn’t she?” Maeve questioned.

“Yes. You asked, I answered. Willow’s line shied away when her grandmother was born and her great-grandmother was murdered by Hunters. Her great-grandfather refused to let his daughter know her legacy. But Willow has full Saviour in her. Her grandmother was raised without knowing her heritage, as was Willow’s mother. Willow’s strong bloodline compelled her to become a guardian of something. Her urge to protect is in her blood, and she acted as best as possible.”

“That is why you healed her,” Maeve said astutely.

“And because she is Jase’s soul mate, no matter how hard he fights it,” Andie explained with a small smile and left before Maeve could question her further.

Maeve checked Willow over before being reassured she would recover and wake soon and settled in the oversized armchair beside Willow’s bed. Pandora remained a greater mystery than they realised. Her origins were well known, but she was meant to have been human. Yet, her powers and knowledge surpassed God’s Warriors. Pandora had experienced something that transformed her.

It was the first time Maeve had acknowledged that information, even though the evidence had been plain to see. Pandora had become more than human and had done so before they fell. Because nobody human would have got past them.

Chapter Four.


Her eyes fluttered open and then closed against the bright light. That stung. There was movement, and Willow heard curtains being drawn. She cautiously opened her eyes again.

“Hello,” a woman announced, and Willow blinked.

“Where am I?” she asked as she touched her stomach and found it sore.

“Somewhere safe.”

“That’s not very reassuring,” Willow said dryly as she pushed herself gingerly upright.

“I imagine not. Don’t move too much. It took a lot to heal you, and I won’t be happy if you rupture something,” the woman scolded.

“What’s your name?” Willow asked as the lady plumped the pillows under her to support her sitting up.

“Maeve. How are you feeling, child?”

“Child?” Willow snorted. The stranger appeared only a decade older than her, and she was also stunningly beautiful.

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