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Jonathan practically shouted, “Finally! How long have I been around, and you are just learning this?”

“To answer your questions, Jake is uncomfortable with the nudity, but he’s calmer about it than you’d think. Partly because I haven’t let on about the graphic nature and how many simulated sex scenes are actually involved,” she mumbled as she neared the last few words. She knew how ridiculous this sounded. It rang out as foolish in her own head but became magnified to outright inane when she voiced it to others. Still, there was this question scratching at the back of her head: Why doesn’t anyone ask me how I’m handling Jake’s job being all-consuming, making it difficult for him to schedule time to support me? Why do people always wonder how the man is handling a woman’s busy career, not the other way around? What the hell year is this?

She watched as Matt and Jonathon shared a knowing glance, then cleared their throats in unison. Matt nodded at Jonathon like they’d just finished an entire conversation. “I got this. Rakell, I know you’re really bright, but I think you’re forgetting a key factor. This movie is going to be available for public viewing. You do know that Jake is part of the public, right?”

“Yeah,” Jonathon blurted out. “You don’t want a Kid Rock, Pam Anderson moment.”

Matt’s gaze shifted to Jonathon. A crease formed between his eyebrows, not masking the nonplussed expression taking over his face. “What are you talking about?”

Jonathan looked from Matt to Rakell, bemused, as if they’d both been living under a rock. “In Borat, which they watched at a viewing party with many famous people in attendance, there’s a scene referencing sexual content with Pam that Kid Rock did not know about until then. He was embarrassed and left the party immediately, leaving Pam behind.”

“Wow! I can’t imagine anyone walking out on Pam Anderson,” Rakell said, surprised.

“Well, let’s keep in mind that Kid Rock is the same guy who shot bottles of beer to protest a trans-person, soooooo,” Jonathon said, shrugging his shoulders.

“There is some twisted thinking out there…that just can’t be fixed,” Rakell stated.

“Okay, enough of the TMZ trivia, Jonathon,” Matt admonished, redirecting his gaze to Rakell. “You do know that you’re going to get a reaction out of him if he doesn’t know until the movie is released.”

“I’m waiting for the final cut to see what’s included in the film; then, I can prepare him for any content he may be uncomfortable with.”

“Talking about a bomb, Matt has something huge he is considering,” Jonathan added, nudging his shoulder into Matt. “Tell her.”

Matt shut his eyes and said, “Do we have to do this now? Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and this is just something I’m contemplating. Nothing is solidified. I haven’t even talked to my family yet.”

Jonathon pressed. “Didn’t you use the word calling? Like, didn’t you say that you feel ‘called’ to this?”

“Now you have to tell me,” Rakell asserted, her hands going to her hips. “Come on, Matt.”

Matt let out a rough sigh, then said, “So you know everyone’s favorite uncle, my uncle Emmitt?” Matt’s drudged tone made it clear to whom he was referring.

“Yes, your aunt is finally leaving that asshole?” Rakell said pointedly.

Matt laughed lightly. “No, but the whole family would consider that an early Christmas gift.” He cleared his throat, his voice shifting. Rakell’s eyebrows arched, and she could feel her pulse quickening. Everything about Matt’s posturing and tone indicated that his next words would be impactful. “In the spring, he plans to announce that he is running for Texas governor.”

“Oh my God, like this state needs another one of them,” Rakell spit out, her cupped palm springing to her open mouth. “Nooo…” she muffled from beneath her hand.

Jonathan made a gruff sound in his throat. “Let’s get to the part that will cause me personal pain. Not just the prospect that another cuckoo bird wing nut may run the state.”

Rakell leaned forward, staring at Matt. “Matt, what?”

“I’m strongly considering running for the seat he’s vacating.”

“As a Democrat,” Jonathon clarified as if it weren’t obvious.

Rakell's face shifted from shock to confusion. This seemed like an upward battle; she didn’t want to see Matt involved. He’d already put his neck out there, and she wasn’t sure he had the grit to endure how he’d be torn apart if he moved forward with this idea. As good as he’d be for this state, she was slowly learning that American politics could be a ruthless venture that someone with a heart like Matt had no business dabbling in. “He represents a Republican district, and you want to run as a Democrat. Doesn’t that mean you’d have to ‘flip the seat,’ as Americans term it?”

Jonathan let a long, exasperated sigh escape his mouth, nodding as he centered his eyes on Matt. “That is exactly right. He will attempt to flip the seat from red to blue in a deeply red state.”

“I will only do it if you are behind me, Jonathan. And you too, Rakell. I’ll only pursue this if both of you support it,” Matt said, staring into his glass. “For the record, Texas is turning purple.”

“Let this Colorado boy educate you both.” Standing, Jonathon took a long swig of his wine, his hand sweeping in front of him as if he were showing them something. “The Lone Star state is crimson, with some pockets of azure. Those colors have not blended to create the desired shade of violet, my dear ones.”

Matt’s spine went even more erect than usual. Rakell knew he had a retort, one that would dampen Jonathon’s theatrical presentation, a fact that would cut through all their rebuffs on why this wasn’t a good idea. “Wait, the numbers do not tell the whole truth about this state. The bigger problem here is getting Democrats and Independents out to vote. Texas is portrayed in a certain way in the media that the state uniformly votes red. So people get the sense that their vote won’t matter. Honestly, if I ran, it would be to push people to vote whichever way they choose, but more importantly, don’t stay home because you think it doesn’t matter…it does.” The conviction in his tone made him sound like he was already preparing a campaign speech, Rakell thought, watching Jonathon clap silently.

Jonathon’s face dropped, his next words dripping with concern. “You, my dear, recently came out as gay. Yes, a gay cowboy whose daddy owns one of the most successful oil businesses in North America, but nonetheless gay, and the media has given you a pass. Still, if you announce your intentions, the red in this state will come for your blood, and my fear is the charge will be led by dear ole’ Uncle Emmitt.”

Jonathon’s words prickled along the back of Rakell’s neck. Her eyes cast to the floor to cover up the dread seeping into her. She couldn’t describe it.

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