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Because I obviously enjoy flogging myself, I had to ask, “What exactly did you wear on set?”

I knew the answer, and it became clearer when her eyes narrowed, her chin going up in challenge as she said, “Okay, Jake, since you asked.” Slowly, she untied the belt, then rolled her shoulders, shrugging the robe off in one motion. Her eyes never left mine as she revealed that all she still had on were flip-flops and a mischievous little smirk. I noticed that she also had on a thong that barely covered anything and was almost the exact color of her skin, so it gave the illusion of her being completely naked.

In a single lunge step, I was in her space, ready to grab and plant a kiss on her.

Her hand flew up in stop sign mode. “Don’t touch me; every inch of me is covered in makeup.”

I jerked my head back, unable to hide my perplexed look. “What? Why?”

She sounded almost teacher-like. “To cover up all my imperfections: stretch marks, moles, freckles, and so on. You know, anything that makes me look human.”

“Obviously, the Iglesias-looking guy out there thinks you look pretty perfect,” I challenged.

She pushed two fingers into my sternum and stated, “You mean Joeseph Cantu? He’s been like a big brother to me,” she said, turning toward the shower. “Let me wash this stuff off before I muck you up.”

Yeah, right, big brother. You can’t be that stupid…or expect me to be, I thought, repeating her words in my head. “You mean Joeseph Cantu? He’s been like a big brother to me.”

I wanted to scream: “You already mucked me up!”

Chapter Thirty-Eight

“We’ll probably head out before you get up tomorrow,” Matt said, opening one of the bottles he’d brought from their wine cellar in Houston.

“Actually, if Jake isn’t too beat,” Rakell replied, glancing at her phone, “we may get up early to run at Town Lake. The weather is perfect, and I hate to let it go to waste. But he and Dwayne aren’t flying in until 11, so I might just let him sleep.”

Jonathon flashed her a droll look. “I have a feeling that since you two don’t get to see each other very often, there won’t be a lot of sleeping going on.”

She winked at him. “I’m hoping to get to Sacramento more next month. The Condors are playing three games at home, so I’m going to take advantage of Southwest’s direct flights, even if it's just for a night.”

“I think that’s good,” Matt said.

She watched Jonathan pour himself a nice glass, probably about 10 ounces, and stated, “I don’t think a relationship can survive without plenty of skin contact. Isn’t that right, Matthew?”

“That is right, Jonathan,” Matt replied, amusement tinged in his exasperated voice.

Rakell extended her glass toward Jonathon, gesturing for him to top it off. “Matt, Texas media seems to want to cover you and Jonathan every time you attend an event. Though, as much as you guys are in the news, it feels like another level dating someone like Jake.”

“We get the coverage because we’re only the cutest gay couple in Texas,” Jonathan responded.

Matt smiled and chimed in, “Just ask him.”

“It’s like every random person on social media, especially women, feel compelled to compare me to past girlfriends. Or blatantly assert that he can do better,” Rakell hushed, her voice laden with frustration.

“That is just bullshit,” Jonathan spit out, shaking his head.

“Jake says the same thing. I really do try not to look at what they say. When I do, I try to dismiss it as part of the noise of the inter-web AND the fact that if that many people are paying attention, there will be a certain percentage of folks who are not going to like whatever, so they jump in with a negative comment.”

“You’re both too busy to be worried about some random folks out in Internet land. But you must know that many consider it a sport to comment on famous people’s lives, to take them down a notch—or ten. More importantly, how does Jake feel about your filming being all-consuming and that it doesn’t leave much time for him? Forget about the fact that you are pretty much naked in every scene. Remember, you tell me everything.”

Rakell shifted her head toward Jonathon, whose smile seemed about to burst. “Yeah, not that Matt tells me anything, but it does sound like you are only clothed when serving coffee and pie.”

Rakell stood up, rolling her eyes with exasperation. “I need more wine for this. Good to know you’re not the lockbox you used to be, Matt.”

Jonathan raised his eyebrows before explaining, “In his defense, I plied him with Champagne and a little Jonathan action.” His tongue snaked out of his mouth, dancing between his open lips, a large grin taking over his face. “I can get this guy to divulge anything.”

Matt dropped his head back on the couch. "I'm sorry, Rakell. He caught me at a weak moment.”

“I guess I should just learn to share information with both of you,” Rakell said, smiling.

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