Page 72 of Ruthless

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“Watched is basically the same thing as babysat, asshole. Pick a different word,” she warns.

“Sorry,” he says. “Um, when you … worked as a guard for me and Poppy?” He says the words more like a question, and she gives him a small nod, pleased with his wording this time. “When you were doing that, were you and Briar, like, seeing each other?”

“Well, obviously, babe. I mean, he isn’t going to put a chick on his background that he’s not … close with,” Poppy says, raising her eyebrows up and down at Briar. “Kinda a hot story. A bodyguard and a girl being held against her will. That should be a romance novel. People would eat that shit up.”

“Gross,” Walker groans. “No, they wouldn’t.”

“We were … feeling some things, yes,” Briar answers, glancing at me. “But it was complicated.” She blows out a breath, looking dazed. “Very, very complicated.”

“The whole time, I thought you were just blinded by Uncle Boobie Man’s flashy lifestyle,” Walker says, clearly ashamed. “I thought he had corrupted you. Turns out, you were trying to outsmart him at his own game.”

Taking a sip from her drink, she chuckles. “Yeah, and how’d that work for me? Not too good.” She sighs, relaxing back in her chair. “I don’t know why I thought I could just mosey on over there to Italy and learn all the dark things about our family. Really, all I learned was Beckett’s involvement with the Romanos and the drug running. And that our grandparents ran in the same circle way back when Mom and Beckett were kids.”

“That’s not nothing,” Poppy says, giving her a look of reassurance.

“No, but what good does it do for me to know that?” She looks at Walker. “Sorry I worried you for so long. In my mind, I thought I was being courageous and brave. Really, I was just being an idiot.”

“How do you figure that?” I cut in this time. “If it wasn’t for you and Natasha, who knows how long it would have taken us to find Vittoria Island?” I reach over, patting her hand. “You saved so many people’s lives. And you brought justice to those who were taken to Vittoria Island. And all the crimes the Romano family had committed, you are a big reason why they are now paying for them.”

Thank you, she mouths, but I can tell she still doesn’t believe that she deserves the praise she’s gotten. She does though. And I’ll keep reminding her of that if I have to.

“Speaking of Natasha, how is she?” Poppy says thoughtfully. “Have you seen her?”

She nods, smiling. “Yeah, I saw her a few days after we got home. She dropped off some goodies for us and stocked the refrigerator with a ton of stuff. She’s good. She’s just happy to be away from Beckett, I think.”

“Who could blame her for that?” Walker mutters. “Fucking bastard creates nothing but problems.”

“She’d like to still be in our lives. And honestly, I’d like her to be.” She looks at her brother, and suddenly, her expression grows somber. “We’re all each other has in the family department. Might be nice to have an aunt, you know?”

He doesn’t smile or look that impressed. But eventually, he bobs his head up and down once. “Sure. Why not?”

Poppy leans toward Walker and whispers something before she gives him a look that definitely means he has something to tell his sister. Reaching down, Poppy takes out a small bag and hands it to Briar.

“This is from your brother. He got it for you himself.”

Glancing from the bag to her brother, Briar slowly pulls a beanie from it. On it is the New England Bay Sharks logo. Her eyes widen, and a huge smile spreads from ear to ear.

“Walker, does this mean …” Her voice cracks, and tears fill her eyes. “Are you in the NHL?”

“I sure am,” he utters, and even though he doesn’t say much, the excitement is all over his face.

Shooting out of her chair, Briar pulls him up from his seat and throws her arms around him before jumping up and down. “My brother is a professional hockey player!” She sniffles, squeezing him tighter. “I’m so fucking proud of you, baby brother. You did it.”

Releasing him, she heads for Poppy, who is already standing. And together, they bounce up and down, cheering for Walker’s news.

We cheers to Walker’s accomplishment, and I’m thankful as hell to be here right now. But more than that, I’m grateful that Briar is here.

I’m so happy for that kid because if anyone has worked their ass off to get to where they want to be, it’s him. And while I’m pumped that his dreams are coming true and he’s headed into the next chapter of his career, I can’t stop myself from thinking about mine.

Because I know I’m done working as an undercover agent. It’s too dangerous, and I don’t want to put Briar through it. But the question is, where the hell am I going to go from here?

“Are you going to tell me where you’re taking me?” Briar whines as she looks out the window as we drive past the buildings in Atlanta. “I feel like after the past few weeks, the least you could do is not keep secrets. My little heart can’t take it.”

Bringing her hand to my lips, I press a kiss to it. “Oh, cut it out. Trust me, something tells me this is a surprise you’ll be okay with.”

“No such thing exists.” She groans. “All surprises are awful and should be banned from life.”

When I swing my head toward hers in question, she shrugs. “Don’t ask. Childhood issues.”

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