Page 69 of Twist the Knife

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“Where have you been hiding?”

“Nowhere.” I’ve been in plain sight. Except for that detour to Margot’s place.

“You covering the laundromat this week?”

I hook my thumbs in my pockets. “If Suds is still on the road, I kinda have to, don’t I?”

“No, not if you’ve got something else going on,” Z answers.

Our last president didn’t give a fuck what we might be doing in our personal lives. Z’s a lot more respectful about giving us a choice. I need to show him the same respect. “I don’t mind. I can bring my laptop and get my shit done for Rooster while I’m there.”

He snorts. “You better make sure some little tweaker doesn’t steal your laptop.”

“No shit.” The last one who tried learned the hard way not to fuck with the Lost Kings.

“If you don’t mind, Eazy’s planning to stick around for a while. Would you show him the ropes there? That way, I can start freeing you up for other things.”

Hell yeah. Please let those assignments be closer to Pine Hollow. “Like what?”

“Rock and I would like you working with Dex on the support club.”

Fuck yes. This keeps getting better. Johnsonville’s much closer to Margot’s place.

“And Teller’s going to be wrist-deep in diapers when the twins get here.” A quick frown settles over Z’s expression, then disappears. “So if you can help out at the funeral home as needed, that would be a relief.”

I’m helping out there more than you know, Prez.

“None of the financial stuff,” Z hurries to add.

I snort a laugh. “Yeah, no shit, Teller’s not letting anyone look at his books.”

“Right.” Z chuckles, then turns serious. “But stay away from the daughter.”

My jaw tightens. Too late.

Z scowls at the hard look on my face. “I’m serious. That place is gonna be a gold mine for the club. Don’t fuck it up for us.”

Openly lying to my president isn’t my style—so I say nothing. Instead, I cross my arms over my chest and nod once to acknowledge the message was received—even if it’s too late to follow the order.

My non-answer seems to satisfy Z for now. “I know you’ve been picking up a lot of shifts at Crystal Ball to help out Dex,” he continues. “Upstate appreciates that a lot. You’re doing more than your fair share for the club. I told Hustler to bump up your pay.”

“Appreciate that, but it’s not necessary.”

“We got you running all over New York, brother.”

“Prez,” I say in a let’s not fool ourselves tone, “I’m basically riding to one place, sitting on my ass, then riding elsewhere, playing with cars at the track, riding some more to watch ladies dance naked and if I get lucky, punch a few guys who don’t understand the no touching policy. None of that’s a hardship, I swear.” Still leaves me plenty of time to do whatever the fuck I want, and that’s all I care about. Freedom.

“Don’t downplay your role. You do more than that.” He closes his eyes for a second. “Just you and Rooster taking over the porn business and making sure I don’t have to deal with Stella has been a huge relief.”

Yeah, I bet it is.

“Again, I’m not as hands on with Stella as you were.” I smirk at him and he rolls his eyes. “I’m doing the work from my computer. So it’s not hard.” Was it a dick move to remind him of his involvement with a club asset? Yup. Do I care? Nope.

“It’s bringing the most money into the club right now, so it matters.” His lips curl into a sarcastic smirk. “Isn’t that supposed to be the goal—work smarter, not harder?”

“That’s what I’ve heard.”

“All right, so walk Eazy through the laundromat stuff for me. Let me know if you have any issues with him.”

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