Page 110 of Twist the Knife

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“My closet.” I pick up the basket and put it back on the shelf.

“This house is wild,” he says as I snap off the light and close the door behind me.

“Did you ever hear about the Winchester house?”

“The mystery house in San Jose? Yeah. Rooster and I talked his aunt into taking us there for Halloween one year.”

“You’re kidding!” I squeal. “I’m so jealous. When I was growing up, I thought this house was like that.” I wave my hands around. “Because it seemed like every time I went exploring, I found something new. And it was part business, part private home, you know?”

“Yeah, that must’ve been weird.”

With disappointment, I notice he’s put his shorts and shirt back on. “I was hoping to study your eight-pack abs one of these lessons, you know.”

His lips curl in a tight smile. “I don’t want to distract you from getting some sleep.”

“Does that mean you’re staying?”

“Yeah. That all right?”

“Sure.” I turn my head and give him a sly smile. “I hope you like cold pizza for breakfast.”

“Love it.” He chuckles.

“Let me go do my rounds.”


“Check on Gretel. Make sure the door is locked. That kind of stuff.”

“Have at it.” He picks up his phone. “Going to set my alarm.”

My rounds are quick tonight. Gretel’s curled up on top of her cat perch in the next room and barely glances at me as I pop in to check on her. I put the rest of the food in the fridge, and the dishes in the sink.

Jigsaw’s tucked into the side closest to the door when I return. His big frame looks awfully good taking up so much space in my bed. I close the bedroom door and turn off the lights.

“How do you know that’s not my side?” I tease as I walk around to the other edge of the bed.

“Maybe I wanted you to crawl over me.” He flips the covers back and I climb in, kneeling beside him.

His gaze travels over me, lingering on my chest then skips lower. He reaches over and slides his hand along my thigh. “This is cute.” His hand travels higher, under the leg of my shorts. “Like these a lot.”

“Well, I’m glad I found them, then.” I stretch out beside him and pull the covers up.

“Come here.” He holds out his arm and I eagerly scoot closer, resting my head on his chest.

For a while, I bask in the happiness of having him actually stay. Listening to his breathing and the slow, steady rhythm of his heart.

“You still awake?” Jigsaw’s low rumble pulls me from the well of contentment I’d been drifting toward.

“Sort of.”

He hugs me to his chest. “I gotta tell you something.”

I knew it. I knew something would ruin this moment. Fully awake now, I press my hand to his chest and sit up. “What?”

“Nothing bad. Well, that depends on your perspective, I guess.”

“We’re done with our lessons?”

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