Page 88 of Sinful Promises

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She walked over to the bed and took a seat, placing the gun on her lap.

Her eyes locked with mine, her shoulders visibly tense beneath her dress.

At that moment, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.

It didn’t take a genius to understand where she was going with this, the unimaginable truth that she was about to reveal.

Yet, I chose to remain silent, allowing her to share the burden of her words.

“Helena wasn’t really into it at first, but she considered Victoria her ride or die. So, they convinced Vlad to go along with their crazy plan. They’d meet up at my place every Tuesday and Thursday nights, keeping it low-key. I mean, who would suspect anything going on behind these closed doors? Going to Helena’s house would have been way too obvious.”

The whole situation seemed like something out of a cheap soap opera.

“I was too scared to defy Vlad, so I just let it happen. One day, I walked in on Victoria riding Vlad like there was no tomorrow, while Helena was sitting on his face, both of them grabbing each other’s tits and laughing like a couple of madwomen.”

“I mean, can you believe that shit?” She snorted loudly before crossing her arms. “I was so disturbed and frankly jealous, I just closed the door and tried to forget what I had seen. It was like stepping into a fucking porno flick, but with people I knew and the man I loved.”

I couldn’t help but feel disgusted at the bizarre dynamics of their relationships.

“Victoria ended up getting pregnant, and of course, Igor was over the moon. But Helena, well, she never got pregnant. She confided in me how useless and disappointed she felt, but Victoria assured her that she would still be involved in raising the baby. Vlad, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck. He was terrified of Igor finding out about their affair, so he demanded that Helena stop visiting Victoria’s house.”

I arched a brow, surprised.

“But let me tell you something about Victoria – she had a way with words,” Tanya smiled. “She managed to convince Vlad to continue sleeping with her, even while she was pregnant. And one time, Dasha walked in on them in the guest room while Igor was away. But Dasha, being loyal to Victoria, never said a fucking word about it.”

Tanya’s hand reached for the gun on her lap.

She checked if it was loaded and, in an instant, pointed it directly at me.

The air turned thick with tension.

Her gaze remained fixed on me, her expression a mix of anger, despair, and something else I couldn’t quite decipher.

Her grip tightened around the gun, her knuckles turning white.

“Helena eventually found out about Victoria’s sneaky business and … she lost it. It was a dark and stormy night in October, rain pouring down like crazy. She stormed into Victoria’s house, yelling at her and threatening to kill her if she ever went near Vlad again.”

The atmosphere grew more intense as Tanya closed in on me, her gun pointed straight at my heart.

She brushed away her tears with the back of her hand.

For a brief moment, I saw a flicker of admiration in her eyes before it quickly vanished.

“Really? Is this how we’re gonna end things?”

“You don’t seem scared,” she said, her voice shaking slightly.

“Scared?” I sneered, taking another step closer to her. I reached out and grabbed the barrel of the gun, calmly lifting it to my own head. “Why would I be?”

She hesitated, biting her lip, as her eyes roamed over my face.

“Because, I’m going to kill you, Volk.”

I tilted my head to the side, studying her. “Finish your story first.”

She hesitated for a moment, her eyes locked with mine as she lowered her gun.

But then she started speaking again, the words tumbling out of her mouth as if she couldn’t hold them in any longer.

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