Page 68 of Sinful Promises

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Dve’s voice pulled me out of my drowsiness. “We’re here.”

I glanced out the window, taking in the tranquil yet desolate streets. The night held its profound darkness, with stars faintly twinkling in the sky. The house before us seemed to exude an aura of secrecy and impending doom, making my stomach knot up.

“Why are we here?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Dve’s expression remained unreadable as he turned to face me, motioning for me to follow him.

What’s Volk really up to?

Our last encounter had left me unsure about everything.

I hated feeling like a pawn, but there was something about him I couldn't ignore.

That uncertainty, coupled with the inexplicable pull he had on me, made it impossible to know what to expect from him anymore.

Despite my fear, I had no choice but to follow Dve and face whatever lay beyond those walls.

With a sigh, I stepped onto the village road, the cold wind slicing through my clothes.

“Enough with the questions,” Dimitri snapped, clearly annoyed.

I jumped at his sudden appearance and stepped aside, needing some space.

I frowned. “You’re such a?—”

“Just shut up, Sofiya,” he cut me off.

“Zatknis’, Shut up, Dimitri,” Dve interjected, his voice sharp, as he and Dimitri exchanged a dark glance.

I didn’t want to get caught in their drama but standing there doing nothing felt worse. So, I hurried towards the house, the gravel crunching under my shoes. Their intense stares followed me, but I brushed off their tension.

Pausing at the front door, I hesitated, my hand hovering over the knob.

What if he’s going to kill me tonight?

Summoning every bit of courage, I knocked, the sound echoing through the silent village. Each second dragged on, the overwhelming feeling of suffocation growing within me.

Finally, footsteps approached from inside.

The door swung open, revealing one of Volk’s guards, a familiar face from his patrols. His dark eyes bore into me, freezing me in place. As the wind tousled my hair, I nervously bit my lip, waiting for him to say something. But he didn’t.

“Is Volk inside?” I asked, breaking the silence.

My question hung in the air, unanswered.

I held my breath, waiting for a response, my heart pounding like a drum.

After what felt like forever, though it was probably just a few seconds, he motioned for me to enter without saying a word.

I stepped in, and the space felt heavy, like it was hiding something. The dim light barely touched the walls, leaving everything in shadow, and every creak of the floor seemed to echo unnervingly. The thick silence made my skin crawl, making each step feel like I was wading through fog.

As I moved forward cautiously, I couldn’t help but glance back, half-expecting to see Dve and Dimitri behind me. But they were nowhere to be found.

Where are they?

I continued to follow the man down the hallway, passing closed doors that seemed to hide their own secrets.

Finally, he stopped before a door, his eyes drilling into mine.

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