Page 52 of Sinful Promises

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Even if the entire Russian royal family were resurrected and Princess Anastasia herself served me stroganoff, I wouldn’t budge from this room or this bed unless there was useful information to aid my escape.

Gathering the small dignity I still had left, I turned back around and got up from the bed, but quickly sat back down, wincing at the sudden pain in my leg.

I raised my tear-filled eyes at Dasha. “Please, tell me where my mom is.”

She sat down next to me and pulled me into her arms, trying to console me. “I’m sorry, I can’t tell you anything else,” she whispered, leaving faint kisses on my head. “But I promise, I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe.”

“But I’m not safe here,” I sobbed.

I didn’t trust Dasha anymore, but a tiny part of me still hoped that she would help me.

“P-please, Dasha,” I pleaded, placing my hands above hers. “I don’t know what to do. Can’t you just give me some kind of hint? Anything that could help me get out of here?”

I watched as her expression turned cold.

“We’ve already had this conversation. Now get ready and come downstairs.”

With that, she stood up, grabbed the lacy black dress from the bed, and tossed it at me.

Feeling defeated and more alone than ever, I caught it and watched as she left the room. Despite Dasha’s warnings echoing in my mind, I couldn’t stand being confined in my room any longer. Determined, I descended the stairs, still in the same white dress, each step a painful reminder of my injured leg.

At the bottom, Dve’s gaze met mine, his eyes lingering over my disheveled appearance.

Despite his taunting expression, he offered his hand to help me.

“What’s taken you so long?”

I swatted his hand away. “Oh, just a leisurely stroll down memory lane. You know, reliving all the traumatizing moments of my near-death experience. No biggy.”

Ignoring his chuckle, I brushed past him, my leg protesting with each step.

“Sofiya, stop acting out.”

“Seriously, Dve? I’ve been kidnapped and taken to another country against my will. I think I’m showing remarkable restraint.”

Dave scoffed, clearly unamused. “Right, and I’m the Tsar of Russia. Now stop throwing tantrums and show some respect to Volk and everyone else.”

I halted abruptly, glaring at him. “Respect? Oh, sorry, I must have misplaced my ‘how to be a polite hostage’ handbook.”

He remained silent.

I could tell he was getting impatient, but I didn’t care.

“Oh, and just so you know, I couldn’t care less about your boss or his guest,” I snapped. “Just hours ago, I was nearly dead because of you people! Do you have any idea what it feels like to be utterly helpless and terrified?”

Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered the moment when I was at the mercy of a man who clearly intended to harm me.

“I just want to escape this nightmare.”

Dve grabbed my arm. “You should thank Volk for saving your life. You wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him. So, show some gratitude.”

“Let me go, Dve! I was nearly killed. You can’t expect me to just brush it off.”

“Consider yourself lucky to still be breathing,” he muttered. “Now, clean up and dress decently. We have a guest, and I won’t have you looking like a total disaster.”

I stepped back, pulling my arm away. “Leave me alone.”

“I don’t want to hurt you, Sofiya. I’m just following orders.”

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