Page 49 of Sinful Promises

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Running my fingers along her warm cheek, I traced her lower lip, then trailed down her throat, feeling her pulse quicken and her heart race as I drew closer to her chest. I studied her rosy lips, inching closer, my nose catching the scent of wood and jasmine. I let out a hot breath on her neck, and a small whimper escaped her.

Biting her earlobe, I blew a cold breath over it.

“I’m sure you want it,” I murmured, sensing her shoulders tense. I nudged her neck, brushing away a few strands of hair with my other hand. “Don’t fight it.”

“I’d rather die,” she whispered, grabbing my hand and pushing it away.

“Ouch,” I mocked, placing a hand over my heart.

I stepped back and stifled a chuckle, quickly glancing at Dve to make sure he wasn’t listening in.

As the road to the house came into view, I made a mental note to update Igor on the promising lead we had discovered and to let him know that his captive was in good hands.

Very good hands.

Lost in thought, I watched the trees blur by as the car moved along the winding road. The path grew darker, and the sound of leaves rustling and twigs snapping under the wheels blended with the engine’s soft purr.

The car turned a bend, and Dve braked abruptly, narrowly avoiding a family of deer. I instinctively put my arm in front of Sofiya to stop her from crashing into the front seat. I made sure she was okay before letting her go.

Her tense body slowly relaxed, but her expression remained cold. I shouldn’t have pushed her, but there was something about her that drew me in.

As much as I tried to deny it, I was undeniably attracted to her.

But fuck, she’s Igor’s daughter, for fuck’s sake!

Dve apologized and resumed our journey.

I found Sofiya curled up, her shaky arms around her legs, head against the window.

I slid down my window and let the scent of pine and damp earth fill the car.

As we reached our destination, the trees thinned, and the house appeared.

“Look at me.”

My voice echoed in the car which was quiet except for the engine and tires.

Sofiya stared out the window, ignoring me.

Frustration crept up my spine as I gently grabbed her chin, turning her head to face me.

“I said, look at me.”

“I don’t have to do anything you say,” she snapped.

I tightened my grip around her chin.

She brought her hand over mine, her nails digging into my knuckles.

“Listen carefully,” I said. “You really don’t wanna disobey me. Got it?”

She nodded slowly, afraid to speak, her big brown eyes locked on mine.

“Good,” I whispered and released her.

She sighed, crossing her arms.

“Tonight, we’re having a guest,” I continued, my voice calmer. “You better behave. Don’t speak unless spoken to, and don’t do anything without my permission.”

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