Page 144 of Sinful Promises

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“I love you, Sofiya,” Helena whispered as Vlad’s finger inched closer to the trigger.

“Mama, I-”

Just as tension reached its peak, a loud bang resounded from upstairs, cutting through the air like an explosion. We all looked around, trying to figure out what had happened.

But Dve wasted no time.

He swung the back of his head with brutal force, connecting squarely with Dimitri’s face.

The sickening crack of bone filled the room as Dimitri crashed to the floor, blood spurting from his broken nose.

Without missing a beat, I pulled the trigger, aiming for Marina’s arm. The gunshot reverberated through the room as the bullet found its mark. A piercing scream tore from her lips as she crumpled to the floor, clutching her injured leg in searing pain.

I dashed towards them, scooping up Sofiya in my arms.

Her cries echoed in my ears, tearing at my soul.

At that moment, something clicked inside me.

I would risk my life to protect her.

Suddenly, Igor launched himself at Vlad like a madman.

They wrestled for control of the gun, their desperate struggle filling the room with grunts and curses.

Then, out of nowhere, two thunderous bangs ripped through the air.

Without thinking, I pulled Sofiya closer, shielding her with my body.

Her whole frame shook against mine, her grip on my shirt threatening to tear the fabric.

“Are you hurt?” I blurted out, my hands instinctively checking her for injuries. I brushed her hair away, desperate to see her eyes, to ensure she was okay. “Sofiya! Talk to me! Are you hurt?”

She shook her head slowly.

A growl snapped me back, and I spun around to find Igor lying on the floor, soaked in a pool of blood.

His face ghostly pale, eyes wide open with blood spilling from his mouth.

My stomach drop.


Not Igor.

Vlad was also down, clutching his stomach as blood gushed from his wounds, filling the air with the sickly smell of iron.

Before I could speak, Marina pointed her gun at me, clutching her wounded, bloodied arm.

“One last chance, Volk,” she said, taking a step closer. “Hand her over.”

I could feel Sofiya’s presence behind me, her forehead pressed against my back, her muffled sobs absorbed by the fabric of my jacket.

I let out a bitter laugh.

This witch was truly delusional.

“Are you fucking stupid?”

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