Page 141 of Sinful Promises

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Sofiya stayed upstairs, out of sight, but she lingered in my thoughts, bringing both comfort and concern.

Dve and Dimitri cautiously followed as we descended the creaky stairs into the shadowy depths of the basement.

The echo of our footsteps seemed to merge with the oppressive silence.

At the bottom, dim light revealed Igor standing there, hands planted firmly on his hips.

His gaze locked on Vlad and Helena, tightly bound to chairs, their faces drained of color.

What a fucking sight.

Vlad, always the smart-mouthed bastard, greeted him. “Priviet, old friend.”

The audacity in his voice didn’t sit well with Igor; his wrath simmered just beneath the surface.

This bastard was screwed.

With zero hesitation, Igor’s anger surged like a raging inferno.

He lunged at Vlad, moving so fast it was like lightning, landing a clenched fist against Vlad’s nose. Blood spurted out, painting the scene in vivid red.

Vlad’s pained gasp echoed through the basement.

“You fucking bastard!” Igor yelled, landing another blow to Vlad’s face. “You fucked my fucking wife.”

He then turned toward Helena, striding purposefully.

But just as he neared her, I swiftly intervened, blocking his path.

His expression mixed anger with curiosity, waiting for my explanation.

Before I could speak, Vlad’s voice pierced the tense air.

“Helena,” he sneered, blood flying as he spoke. “Why don’t you tell Igor how you helped Victoria with her fucked-up plan and how you’re responsible for snuffing out an innocent baby’s life, huh?”

Helena’s voice broke. “It’s not me! It’s him! Vlad’s the one to blame!”

“I never forced you to fuck with me, Helena, or to kidnap Victoria’s baby,” he spat.

“It’s your fucking baby too!” she cried out, shaking her head in disbelief, tears streaming down her face amid hiccups of despair. “The daughter you fantasized about!”

My knuckles tightened into fists, white with rage, and a primal snarl erupted from deep within me. Vlad’s twisted audacity sent a surge of fury coursing through my veins.

Tonight, I would fucking kill him with my own hands.

Igor’s voice sliced through the silence, unnervingly calm. “I’ve never laid a hand on a woman before, Helena Melov. But today, you will be the first.”

Without warning, his fist struck with brutal force, hitting her squarely on the nose.

The impact echoed in the basement, accompanied by a sickening crack as her head snapped back.

Fuck, I didn’t even have time to stop him.

“Mama!” Sofiya’s panicked voice cut through the chaos.

Her wide eyes reflected sheer terror as she witnessed the scene unfold.

Acting on instinct, I grabbed her waist and pulled her forcefully against me, my hand covering her mouth to stifle any cries.

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