Page 6 of Three Simple Rules

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Chapter Five


What the hell was this girl doing to me?

I’d hadn’t even lasted three whole days before breaking one of three very simple rules that had been laid down for me.

I was so getting fired.

And I didn’t even care.

I pulled up at Coco’s house right at six and was a little worried that she wasn’t waiting for me. That meant I had to go to the door. Where her father lived. She’d said he was out of town, but after spending the last three days being tortured by her, I wasn’t sure I could trust anything that came out of her mouth.

With a quick, heavy sigh, I got out of the car and walked up, knocking firmly on the door, hoping to exude confidence.

The door swung open to reveal who could only be Constance’s mother. She was beautiful, with kind eyes and the same wide, bright smile as her daughter.

“You must be Thomas,” the woman exclaimed, holding the door open for me to enter.

“Yes, ma’am,” I confirmed, turning and shaking her hand.

“None of that,” she said, waving off my formality. “Just call me Jeannie, everyone does. Coco will be down in a second, can I get you something to drink?”

“No, thank you,” I assured her.

She gave me an appraising look then smiled again with a small nod.

“I’ll bet Bill is terrified of you,” she said with a small laugh.

“I’m sorry?” I felt my brows knit together in confusion.

“You’re young, handsome and probably really smart.” Jeannie gave an elegant shrug.

“Well,” I said, fighting down embarrassment. “Thank you. But I’m sure that Coco meets a lot of attractive, intelligent, young men at school. I’m not sure why I would be especially threatening.”

“Parents know,” she said. She patted my arm. “He probably took one look at you and realized...” She shook her head. “Never mind. Just take care of my girl, yeah?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I promised.

At that moment Coco came bounding down the stairs, grinning wildly when she saw me. She flung herself down the last two steps into my arms and I caught her swinging her around before setting her on her feet.

“Hi,” Coco said brightly. She moved as if to lean in for a kiss, then caught her mother’s gaze and seemed to think better of it. “Ready?”

“Yes,” I assured her. I turned back to her mom. “Nice to meet you.”

“You as well,” Jeannie said smiling. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing you around.”

Coco took my arm and I led her outside. The moment the door closed behind us she stopped and pulled my elbow, turning me to face her.

She went up on tiptoes and kissed me softly.

“That’s better,” she whispered on a breath. “My mom didn’t say anything embarrassing did she?”

“No,” I promised her. “She was really nice.”

I helped her into the car then went around and got behind the wheel. As I pulled away from the curb, Coco shifted in her seat, turning to look at me.

“What are you parents like?”

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