Page 3 of Three Simple Rules

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Chapter Three


It took me three days to realize that Coco was driving me insane on purpose. My first day, every time I turned around she was there. Talking to other crew members, counting boxes of nails, walking the site. Just…there.

My second day, she came out with a case of water, wearing the shortest shorts I had ever seen. It was a miracle, or a shame really, that her ass wasn’t hanging out of the back of them. She walked around handing waters to everyone, one at a time, saving me for last.

“Hey,” she said, handing over a bottle and smiling at me. “How’s it going?”

“Good,” I said, looking around to make sure that Bill Bard wasn’t watching. I needed this job if I wanted to go back to school in the fall. Coco was cute, but she wasn’t worth losing everything I’d worked for.

“Cool,” she said. “This is a great group of guys. They’ll show you the ropes and before you know it you’ll feel like a real part of the team.”

I nodded, taking a drink and keeping my head on a swivel.

She put her hand on my arm and it made me jump. I looked back at her to see her smirking.

“Daddy’s not here yet,” she assured me. “And he doesn’t own me. Or you. He won’t really fire you for just talking to me.”

“Okay,” I said, not believing her in the slightest. “I’d better get back to work.”

Coco shrugged and sauntered off, her hips swaying with each step she took away from me.

I blew out a sigh and went back to work, ignoring the whispers from the other men. If they were going to tattle on me for a conversation I hadn’t started, there really wasn’t anything I could do about it.

On my third day, I started to realize there was no way I’d last the whole summer.

I’d just closed my car door in the parking lot when Coco came bouncing out of the trailer that served as the office on site.

“Thomas!” she called happily. “Thank goodness. Can you come help me?”

I fought a groan as I followed her inside. It was quiet, no one else was apparently there but us, which gave me a sinking feeling in my gut.

“Daddy’s not here yet,” she said, turning and stepping dangerously close into my personal space. “And I need to get those files down from on top of that cabinet. Would you mind giving me a hand?”

“No,” I said, backing up a step.

She followed me forward, not giving me the space I was looking for.

“What are you doing?” I asked her, stepping back again and hitting the door.

“Just curious,” she said, closing the distance again.

“About what?”

“How much trouble I’m worth,” she said. She took another step and suddenly her body was pressed to mine. “Don’t tell me you don’t feel it.”

“What I feel, is that I’m being sexually harassed in the workplace,” I told her.

Her gaze narrowed as she studied my eyes.

“Okay.” She backed off and walked over to the cabinet she’d been talking about. “Help me?”

I blew out a shaky sigh and tried to force my dick to stop twitching in interest. I walked over, thinking she wanted me to climb up, but she stepped around me and hopped up onto the small stool she’d placed down.

“I’ll just hand them down to you, okay?”

She reached up for the first box, and her shirt rose up her ribcage as she stretched, revealing a few inches of her toned, smooth stomach and side. My breath hitched and my cock went from interested to insistent in about a fraction of a second.

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