Page 87 of Stay Real

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“Courtney’s sleeping. As soon as she’s up, I’ll let the nurse know to start sending everyone back.”

“We need more pictures.”

“Yeah, pictures I can do. I already have way too many on my phone.” I’ve been taking them nonstop. There are so many cute faces he’s made while Courtney has been asleep, and I didn’t want her to miss any of them.

“Welcome to fatherhood, little brother.”



“Love you, brother.”

“I love you too. Take care of your family. We’ll be here when you’re ready.”

“Yep,” I say, because tears are threatening to fall. Tossing my phone on the chair next to me, I bend to kiss my sleeping son on his forehead.

“Love you, little man. You and Mommy, you’re my everything.” Closing my eyes, I rest my head back and catch a little sleep. I know I should put him in his bassinet. I’m going to spoil him, but I’m just not ready to let him go yet.

My eyes flutter open when I feel someone watching me. I smile over at my wife. “Hey, gorgeous. How are you feeling?”

“Sore, but happy.” Her smile tells me that all on its own.

“So fucking happy, Court.” I stand, careful not to jostle our son, and move to the bed. I hand our boy to her, and settle on the bed next to them, wrapping my arm around them. “Our families are still here, and we need to give this little man a name.”

“Do you have one you’re thinking from our list?” she asks.

“Henry.” That name has been running through my head from all of those that are on our list.

“Henry Kincaid. I like it.”

“Me too.” I kiss the top of her head. “I have so many pictures.” Standing, I grab my phone and scroll through each of the images I took while she was sleeping.

“Looks like your daddy might be giving Aunt Palmer and Aunt Scarlett some competition,” she teases.

“He’s just so damn cute, and I didn’t want you to miss any of it.”

“Thanks, babe. I appreciate that.”

“I’m ready to do this again,” I tell her. “I know that’s probably not what you want to hear after fourteen hours of labor, but I want you to know that I’m ready when you are.”

She chuckles. “Okay,” she whispers.

“Hear that, Henry? You should know that when Mommy says okay, great things happen.”

“Stop.” She laughs.

“It’s the truth. Your ‘okay’ is what got us here.”

“You are the one who agreed to be my fake boyfriend.”

“Yeah, but when I asked you to stay real….”

“Okay,” she concedes with a goofy grin. “You win.”

“Are you ready to let our families come back?”

“Yes. This little guy has a lot of people who love him and want to meet him.”

“Yes. Yes, he does.” I fire off a text to the group chat, knowing my brothers will send the grandparents in first, and toss my phone back to the table.

I smile down at my family, and my heart swells, knowing that Courtney and I vow to love them harder with each passing day.

Work hard.

Love harder.

That’s the Kincaid way.

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