Page 86 of Stay Real

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“You want to start on that tonight?” I know he does, but I still like to hear him say it. Trust me, when your new husband tells you he wants to make babies with you, it’s hot as hell.

“Yes. As soon as you give me the green light, I want babies.”

“Okay.” I smirk up at him.

He rewards me with a sexy smile. “Best word ever.” He chuckles. “So, when?”

I can feel the excited energy rolling off him in waves.

“I tossed my birth control pills this morning.”

“What?” He stands to his full height and peers down at me. His grip on my hips tightens as a slow smile spreads across his face. “For real?”

I nod. “Yeah, I’m ready to start our forever. Wedding, babies, you know, all the things.”

His head falls back in laughter as he crushes me to his chest.

“I love you, wife.”

“I love you too, husband.”



I’m a father. I stare down at the tiny human in my arms and memorize every feature. “Daddy loves you so much,” I whisper to my son. Glancing over at my wife, she’s still sleeping. Good. She needs her rest. After fourteen hours of labor, she’s earned it.

Fourteen hours of seeing the woman who is my entire world in pain. She assures me it was worth it, and I know that it was, but I wish I could have taken that from her.

“When Mommy wakes up, we’ll decide what your name will be. We have a list,” I tell him. “We wanted to meet you first, before we decided.” My son sleeps peacefully in my arms, swaddled up like a little burrito. I’ve mastered the baby burrito, which is a good thing because I’ve unwrapped him to count his tiny fingers and toes more times than I can count, and he’s only a few hours old.

“You have so many uncles, aunts, and cousins who can’t wait to meet you. Oh, and two sets of grandparents who have already spoiled you rotten. Just wait until you see your room at home.” I chuckle.

My mom and Courtney’s have gone a little overboard. They’re taking spoiling their grandson to all new heights. Not that I should be surprised. I’ve watched my mom do this very thing with each new baby that’s born into the family. And my mother-in-law, this is her first grandchild. Chloe and Rodney are waiting a few years before they start their family, so our little man gets all of her grandma love until the time comes when they add to their family.

I know our families are in the waiting room, but Courtney needs her rest, and I for one am not going to pass up this time with my son before everyone wants their turn to hold him.

However, I do have this feeling, this urge that I need to call my twin. I reach for my phone that’s sitting next to me on the uncomfortable chair that turns into a lounger and pull up his name.

“Mer,” he greets, and I’m man enough to admit tears well in my eyes.

“He’s perfect, Mav. So fucking perfect.”

“Of course he is. He’s a Kincaid.”

“I—I love him so much, Mav. He’s this tiny little piece of me and Court, and fuck, brother, this is intense.” I swallow back the emotion welling in my throat.

“It is. I’m happy for you. I feel you,” he tells me. Not that he needed to say the words. Our connection runs deep. “There is nothing like it. Just wait until he calls you daddy. When Ada—” His voice cracks.

“Yeah,” I tell him, because I get it. I thought I understood, but there is no way for anyone to grasp the love a parent has for their child until they experience it on their own.

“You’re still behind,” he teases to lighten the heaviness of the emotions.

“I can see how Mom and Dad did this so many times.” I laugh.

“Agreed.” He chuckles. “When do we get to meet him? We’re all here, some of the wives are at home with the kids, but we’re here.”

He doesn’t need to say more for me to know that all eight of my brothers, and more than likely Ramsey or Deacon, along with both sets of grandparents, are in the waiting room not too patiently waiting their turn to meet our son.

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