Page 64 of Stay Real

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Who me? The man who just realized that he’s in way over his head for his fake girlfriend? “I’m great.”

“I’m almost ready. You’re early.”

“I have to keep you on your toes.”

“You mean you wanted to be able to open my door for me,” she sasses.

“Pretty much.” I laugh.

“Why is that so important to you?”

“I don’t know. I guess I just like making sure you know that when you’re with me, you come first.”

“You’ve never made me feel anything less.” She walks back to the couch and grabs her bag. “I’m bringing clothes to change into in case these get wet. I have a towel and sunscreen too.”

“Grab what you need to stay at my place.” We’ve stayed over with each other several times up to this point, but I’ve never told her to pack a bag. She studies me for a few seconds, before nodding and going back to her room. A few minutes later, she’s once again standing before me, this time with a second bag.

“I’ll keep this one in the truck, and this is what I have that we might need for today.”

“We?” I ask, taking both bags from her and tossing them over my shoulder.

“Yeah. I might have picked you up a pair of new swim trunks while I was buying sunscreen. You made the comment you needed a new pair, and I was there.” She shrugs as if her act of kindness isn’t a big deal.

It’s a big damn deal. Just like the fact that my heart can’t seem to stop racing as if I just ran a marathon. She’s standing before me with that same familiar worry in her eyes, but she doesn’t speak of it. Knowing she probably thinks she overstepped, I lean in and kiss her. It’s meant to be a soft press of my lips to hers, but she opens for me, and I’m never going to pass up the chance for more of this woman.

Dropping the bags to the floor, I pull her into my arms and show her with my kiss what her thinking of me means. Any other woman and I’d be figuring out ways to cut her loose. With Courtney, all I can think about is that this is something my sisters-in-law would do for my brothers, or my mom for my dad. Something about the beauty in my arms has me seeing life, seeing her, and this chemistry between us differently than ever before.

She moans, and the sound goes straight to my cock, where it throbs behind the zipper of my shorts. It also pulls me out of the fog she has me in, and I slow the kiss and release her. “Missed you,” I tell her, pressing my lips to her temple before picking up the discarded bags and once again tossing them over my shoulder. “You have everything you need?”

Wearing a dazed expression, she nods and takes my offered hand, allowing me to lead her out to my truck. Once she’s inside, I wait for her to buckle up. Just as I’m about to close the door to toss her bags in the back seat, she speaks.

“I missed you too.”

That earns her another kiss, just a quick one before I close the door, and open the back to place her bags inside. I love that there are two and that I know for certain she’ll be in my bed and in my arms later tonight. I love spending time with my family, but suddenly, I’m ready for this day to be over so I can have her all to myself.

Today has been nice. We’re all at Deacon and Ramsey’s, swimming in their pool. We all chipped in to order pizza so no one had to cook, and we all brought drinks to share. My nieces and nephews are having the time of their lives. Well, all except for the twins. Ryan is currently snoozing away in Courtney’s arms, while Lacey is doing the same in Scarlett’s. They’re the only two here without kids of their own and latched onto the twins immediately. Scarlett is expecting her first with my brother Archer. She’s still early in her pregnancy, but she’s already glowing.

“Your girl looks pretty good holding my son,” Maverick tells me.

He and I are lounging on the back side of the pool, just watching everyone. Well, I’m watching Courtney, and if I had to guess, Maverick has been keeping his eye on his wife, Stella, and their daughter Ada, all while checking back with Courtney and Scarlett, who are holding the twins. He’s a papa bear through and through. Not that I expected anything less from my twin. He’s a goofball, but he’s also one of the best men I know.

“She does,” I finally answer my brother.

“Well damn,” he muses. “I didn’t expect you to agree with me.”

“She’s... pretty fucking incredible,” I admit.

“Something's changed. I got this feeling on the way over here. Everything okay with the two of you?”

I huff out a laugh. “Yeah, you know, it was just me thinking in my head that I’m in love with her right before I knocked on her front door to pick her up.”

“Freaky twin shit,” we say at the same time as we laugh about it.

It really is freaky as hell, but by this point, we’re used to it. “We’re still pretending.”

“Are you, though?”

Exhaling, I rub my hands over my face. “I don’t know.”

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