Page 63 of Stay Real

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Tonight has been better than I could have imagined. When we got here, Dad was grilling burgers and hot dogs, and Mom was making up the s’mores tray. Merrick chatted about something or other with Dad while I assisted Mom.

By the time Chloe and Rodney arrived, we were ready to eat. Conversation flowed easily, and Merrick fit in with my family as if he’d always been a part of our lives. It’s reassuring and terrifying at the same time.

I’m glad he’s getting along with my family; that makes this a hell of a lot easier, but it’s also worrisome because I can’t help but wonder if this is what our life would be if he were really mine.

“Dad, we should have roasted the hot dogs like we did as kids,” Chloe says, dropping her napkin to her empty plate.

“Next time.” Dad smiles. “You girls used to love cooking over the open fire.”

“My brothers and I did that a lot too,” Merrick says. “We have an annual camping trip with my dad, my brothers, and my cousin’s husband, Deacon. We started doing one with the entire family too. It’s a lot of fun.”

“We should go camping,” Chloe tells Rodney.

“Babe, you’re not a happy camper,” Rodney teases. “You need coffee and a shower.”

“Well, they have those, right?” Chloe looks to Merrick for confirmation.

“It really depends on the campground, and if you have a camper, then yeah, you have amenities.”

“We should do it.”

“Sure, baby. We’ll look into that when we get back from our honeymoon.” Rodney kisses her cheek, and the way they look at one another… I want that. I want that more than anything.

“Who’s ready to roast some marshmallows?” Mom claps and scurries inside to get the tray we put together earlier. She’s back in a flash and handing out sticks.

Merrick pushes a marshmallow onto the end of my stick and gathers the graham cracker and chocolate bar, setting them on the small paper plate before grabbing the same for himself.

I catch my mom's eyes, and she nods her approval. She doesn’t need to tell me that my fake boyfriend is a good man. I know he is. He’s proven that to me over and over again.

I wish things were different. I wish that after the wedding, we were going to stay real.




I’m early. I’ve learned that I need to be in order to catch Courtney off guard. She’s usually waiting outside for me and rushes toward the door so I don’t have to get out and open her door for her.

She thinks it’s a hardship. It’s not.

In fact, nothing where Courtney is concerned is a hardship to me. I love spending time with her. I love having her in my bed in my arms and waking up the same way. I love sitting and talking to her over dinner. I love showers with her, and yeah, the list could go on and on.

Basically, I’m in love with her.

I’m in the midst of opening the door to my truck to knock on her door, and I freeze. Did I really go there? Did I really just think that? What the fuck? I’m not, though, right? It was just my line of thinking about all the things I enjoy with her. That doesn’t mean I’m in love with her. I can’t be. Can I?

My heart slams against my chest. I’ve never been in love.

I’m startled out of my thoughts when the neighbor next door slams their car door. The older gentleman waves, and I wave back. It’s fine. It was just a crazy thought. Climbing out of my truck, I take slow steps to reach her front door, giving my heart a little time to recover from the shock of my thoughts. When I knock and she pulls the door open, all the breath leaves my lungs.

She’s standing before me in a pair of cutoff shorts and a tank top. Her long dark hair hangs down her back, and she’s not wearing any makeup. She’s beautiful, and I can’t stop staring at her.

“Is this okay?” she asks, her nerves getting the better of her.

“You’re perfect.” Not giving a single fuck that her neighbors or anyone else can see us, I slide my arm around her waist, tugging her close and pressing my lips to hers. “You look beautiful,” I whisper against her lips.

Her body relaxes into my hold as she releases a gentle sigh. “Thank you. Are you okay?”

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