Page 36 of Stay Real

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“Thank you, Court.” He doesn’t waste any time sitting down and digging in. He stands and goes to the fridge. “Beer? I don’t have wine or anything to offer you. I have sweet tea or Dr Pepper.”

“Sweet tea is fine. I’m not much of a beer drinker.” I wrinkle my nose and he laughs. “Really, it can’t taste like alcohol for me to drink it.” His grin widens. “Just another boring facet of Courtney.”

He points at me. “None of that.” He pours me a glass of tea and takes his seat. He scarfs down his pasta and garlic bread and goes back for more. He doesn’t even bother to heat it up. “This is so damn good. What is it?”

“Buffalo chicken pasta. It’s basically buffalo chicken dip with pasta noodles.”

“So good.” He moans as he takes another bite.

I’m not gonna lie. That sound, I feel it between my thighs. My attraction to this man is off the charts. I hear his brother telling me to fight for what I want and wish I had the courage to just put myself out there.

“Thank you. That hit the spot.”

I take my last bite of pasta and wipe my mouth. “There’s dessert.” I nod toward the container of Rice Krispies treats. He immediately reaches for the container and pulls off the lid. “Oh damn, you’re my favorite person.” He grabs two and shoves half of one into his mouth.

“Those are all yours. You can take the time to chew,” I tease.

He swallows. “Too good. You want one? I might be willing to share.”

“Yeah? What do I have to do to get a treat that I made?”

“You have to watch a movie with me.” His eyes twinkle.

What he doesn’t know is I would have said yes without the promise of a Rice Krispies treat.

“Fine. I’ll watch a movie with you.” I sigh. “Now, hand over the goods.”

Instead of handing me the container, he takes the second Rice Krispies treat in his hand and holds it up to my mouth. His eyes are locked on mine. When he gets close, I open my mouth and accept a bite of the sticky treat.

“Good girl,” he says huskily.

Ruined. My panties are ruined. Needing some space to cool down my hormones, I step back and busy myself cleaning up.

“I’ll do that. You made dinner.”

“You worked way more hours than me this week. Go fire up this movie you cornered me into, and I’ll be right there.”

“Any preference on what we watch?” he asks.

“I’m not picky. I can watch anything.”

“Okay.” He grabs another treat from the container before placing the lid back on. I turn to the sink to rinse the dishes and still when I feel his hard body behind mine. He wraps his arms around my shoulders from behind and kisses my cheek. “Thank you for everything, Court.” He’s gone, taking his heat with him way too soon.

Lines are starting to blur, and for the first time in my life, I’m not going to erase them.

I startle awake when I feel myself moving. It takes me a minute to realize Merrick is carrying me. “Merrick?”

“Shh, go back to sleep, baby.”

“Where are you taking me to? I can walk.”

“I can carry you. We fell asleep,” he says, his voice groggy.

“I should go.”

“It’s late. You should stay here.”

My heart starts to race. I’m an adult; I can spend the night at a guy’s house. It’s fine. Everything is fine. I’ve never had a sleepover. The few very limited sexual experiences I’ve had have been “wham, bam, thank you, ma’am,” and either he or I bailed immediately after. So, sleeping over, that’s new for me.

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