Page 22 of Stay Real

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“There will be times when that’s best, but today, today, you should have made it known that I was yours. That’s what we’ve decided. Even if it was just leaning into me, wrapping your arms around me, something to prove to her that you’re mine, and she doesn’t stand a chance in hell. You didn’t need to use your words. Sometimes actions speak louder.”

She swallows hard. “Why is this bothering you so much?” She tilts her head to the side as she studies my reaction.

I smile at her for speaking her mind as I think about her question. The only answer I can come up with is that I wanted her to tell Tammy she was mine. I wanted her to claim me, to prove she’s in this. What other reason would there be? “I never want you to feel less than when you’re with me,” I say instead of telling her my thoughts.

Her hands leave my hair as she pulls me into a hug. “Thank you, Merrick,” she whispers.

My arms wrap around her as I return her embrace. She pulls back first and offers me a shy smile. “Now what?”

“We have the rest of the day to do whatever.” I wink at her just as my cell phone rings. I dig it out of my pocket and see Maverick’s name on the screen. I show her the screen before I answer. “Hey, man.”

“Mer, what are you doing right now?”

“Courtney and I just had lunch. What’s up?”

“The twins were up all night, and Ada is wound for sound.” He laughs.

“Say no more. I’m on my way.”

“I can call one of the others if you have plans.”

“We do, coming to rescue you and your wife. We’re leaving now.”

“Thanks, Mer.”

“I got you, brother.” I end the call, sliding the phone back into my pocket. “That was Maverick. The twins were up all night, and Ada is full of energy.”

“What can we do?” she asks immediately, making me smile.

“I told him we’d come over and help. That we’d keep Ada occupied for a while and watch the twins while they catch up on sleep. You don’t have to come. I hate to bail on you, but they need the help while the twins are this little.”

“Of course I’m coming with you. Three to one doesn’t sound nearly as good as three to two.”

“Thank you.” I press my lips to her forehead and lift her off the island.

“Something you don’t know about me, Merrick Kincaid, is that I’ll never pass up a baby or toddler fix. Let’s go.” She tugs on my hand, making me laugh as we lock up the house and head out to my truck.

“My baby,” Ada says, as she sits next to me on the couch. I’m holding Ryan in my arms while he smiles up at me.

“That’s right. This is your baby brother.”

“My baby.” She points at Courtney, who is sitting on my other side holding Lacey.

“Your baby sister,” I tell Ada.

“Wuv dem.” She leans over with the intention of kissing Ryan’s little head.

“Be easy, Ada bug.” Bug is what my brother calls her, and the rest of us have altered it and started calling her Ada bug.

“Otay.” She nods, pressing a soft kiss to her little brother’s head. She climbs down and moves to Courtney and Lacey and does the same.

“You’re the best big sister,” Courtney praises.

“Dats me.” Ada places her hands on her chest and smiles.

“That’s you.” Courtney beams at her. “Are you hungry?” she asks.

Maverick and Stella told us she didn’t eat much for breakfast or lunch and not to be surprised if she asks for a snack.

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