Page 21 of Stay Real

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Fuck, this is not how this was supposed to go.

I wasn’t supposed to feel this insane attraction to her. Bowing my head, I focus on my breathing. I’ve never felt this overwhelming sense of protection for someone outside my family.

I’m not mad at her. I’m mad at the circumstances. We said we were in this, and she needs to accept that. Unless she’s changed her mind. I don’t think that’s the case. I think my shy girl is just used to accepting what comes her way and rolls with the punches. That’s the origin of my anger. I don’t want her to feel like she has to accept the treatment Tammy gave her.

“I’m sorry.” Her words are whispered. There’s a crack in her voice, telling me she’s not unaffected by the interaction at the diner, or maybe it’s my reaction. Either way, she’s feeling it.

Lifting my head, I stare into her big brown eyes that do nothing to hide the worry she’s feeling. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

“She wouldn’t have made a scene if I weren’t with you. If you hadn’t agreed to help me.” She looks down at her lap, avoiding my gaze.

She can’t see it. She can’t see how incredible she is.

I have three months to show her.

Standing tall, I move my hands to cradle her cheeks, lifting her eyes back to mine. “You did nothing wrong.” I hold her gaze, willing her to believe me. “The only thing you could have done differently is stand up to her.” I will her to see the sincerity in my gaze. I need her to know she deserves to be treated better, and she needs to own that.

“I didn’t want to embarrass you further.” Her eyes mist with tears, and I fucking hate that. I hate to see any woman cry, but the misting in Courtney’s big brown eyes has me wanting to drive back to the diner and demand Tammy be fired. It wasn’t even that big a deal. I know that. However, it affected me profoundly that Courtney was so blatantly dismissed to her face.

“Baby, you’re not an embarrassment.” Those brown eyes of hers widen, then soften at my term of endearment as she blinks, clearing the emotion from her eyes. “If you think for a single second that I’m ashamed to call you mine, you’re wrong. We said we were in this together, Courtney. I’m all in, and you need to be too. That means if someone like Tammy hits on me, and you’re around, you make it known that I’m yours. That’s what we decided. For the next three months, I’m yours, and you’re mine. We might be pretending, but that declaration still means the same thing.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Stop. Just stop.” Dropping my hands, I lean in until my forehead is touching hers. My heart hammers against my rib cage as I try to harness this raging fire inside me at the way Tammy disrespected her. “Don’t apologize.” Closing my eyes, I will myself to let go of the anger. It’s not until I feel her hands in my hair, and the spark of electricity that shoots through my veins at her touch, that I lift my gaze to find her watching me.

“I’m all in, Merrick. I’ll do better.”

“Court, it’s not that you need to do better. Baby, you need to understand that you can’t let anyone walk all over you. You’re beautiful and sexy, and smart, and any man would be damn lucky to be able to call you his. I’m that man. For the next three months, you’re mine, and I want you to own that. Claim me. Don’t let the Tammys of the world make you think less of yourself. They don’t hold a candle to you.”

“That’s scary, Merrick.” The look in her eyes tells me that confession was difficult for her.

“Talk to me. Why is it so scary to stand up for yourself?”

She’s quiet for several heartbeats, and when she finally replies, her answer floors me.

“We’re pretending. I’m not good at faking or hiding my emotions. I’m afraid that if I let myself think that way, I’ll end up with a broken heart at the end of this.”

I don’t know what to say to that. I open my mouth to try to find the words, but nothing comes to me. I never once considered she might fall for me, or me for her, for that matter. I don’t think I’m at risk. I know what this is, but she’s opening herself up to me, something I know is scary on its own coming from her.

“I know it’s a risk, and if you want to walk away from this, we can.” Something twists in my gut. I ignore it and keep my attention on her.

Her eyes find mine. “Is that what you want?”

“No.” My reply is instant and absolute. “No, I don’t want to walk away. I want to help bring you out of your shell. I want to show you that you deserve more than letting others tell you how to live your life. I want you to have the confidence to tell the Tammys of the world to fuck off.” I smirk, and a small smile tugs at the corner of her mouth.

“My family means well,” she defends.

“I know they do, but it’s your life, Court. It’s your mind, your body, your choice.” I’m making this more than it needs to be, but I think it’s important she gains that confidence. It’s my mission for her to be who she is unapologetically.

“It’s really not that bad. My mom wants to see me happy.”

I nod. It’s not just about her mom pressuring her. I saw firsthand today the way she shrinks into herself. “And the Tammys of the world?”

“I didn’t want to cause an issue for you or more embarrassment,” she defends.

“Regardless, you stand up for yourself. Always. You can’t always worry about others when it comes down to defending yourself against the ugly of the world.”

“I know who I am, Merrick. I don’t need to announce it to the world. I can let their words roll off my shoulders.”

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